WARD is ruining the game

i’m just going to continue with my ~1.5K ward sorcerer running 100 corruption for a while. I’m a badass.


I don’t understand this. Last I heard, all modes were the same. If a skill has an unintended interaction, it will be the same across the board. Hardcore/Softcore Online/Offline.

If we were to calculate everything in, ward would come out on top with the lowest of your numbers.

Let’s do some math, simplified - we ignore armor, resistances, block, less damage taken etc. as it is absolutely possible to have this with ward as well. Your character has 6k armour, after all, and via Runebolt you’ll do cold fire cold invocation for 30% DR for 13 seconds, I guess.

  • 4k hp, 1k endurance threshold, 60% endurance - 5500 eHP.
  • 1.3k hp, 8k ward - ~9.300 eHP

As you mentioned Block specifically:
Unless you get 100% block chance, it is an unreliable defence against one-shots. If you only survive on blocked hits, and you have 80% chance, the 5th hit will kill you, statistically. If you were able to have that high a health, 100% block chance and 1.2k block effectiveness, the life/endurances values would get to almost 9k eHP.

I want to emphasize: one-shot protection is the main advantage I see in high eHP coming from ward - if we talk many smaller hits, sustainability becomes more important. Stuff like life leech vs. ward per second. Ward itself is a fine mechanic, I like it.

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And because you don’t need a single point in Endurence you can use said affixes to get quadruple the ammount of endurences worth from the affixes you use for other stuff. Depending on the class you are using Endurene is the worst defensive layer you can go for.

Why am I unable to make use of Block as a caster? I can It’s just less effective then not doing it in most cases. Why should I even when I make more ward per seceond them I’m hit for by enemies? All my ward builds can’t die if not oneshot and they have to much ward not even using buged mechanics. I don’t even know how far I want to push things because I sabotage myself with this and actualy maiking the game not fun for myself :rofl: .

I just think I start a Werebear Druid and call it a day because it’s my goto class to unwind ^^.

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Uhm, yes? I was specifically looking at the characters that were not using Profane Veil/Smoke Bomb/Healing Hands. The unbugged stuff.

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No one wants anything nerfed to the ground that is you projecting because you clearly don’t understand how “Broken” Ward is currently. Key word “Broken”

Ward is exponentially stronger than Endurance, HP, Block, Health regen and anything you listed. What people want is for Ward to be in line with HP builds that use Block, Endurance, Health regen etc. You apparently want to keep Ward completely busted which is NOT okay.

The gear I was mentioning is that you need very little gear to be far stronger with a Ward build than anything HP, endurance etc. It’s very easy to go low life or some Ward exploit whcih isn’t good for the games health.

Thank goodness because Ward is already stronger and rewards far greater EHP than anything else.

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Not a completely serious post but this thought did just cross my mind and I’ve given it only like 1 minute to think through:

Let’s say, yeah keep your 20k (or whatever ward). That’s fine.
The more ward you have the less effective your armor is.
Ward, in effect, reduces the sturdiness of your armor making it softer due to the magic properties that ward provides. Kinda like armor pen.

Obviously it would scale off of player level.

With that, yeah, give players 20k ward, and with that, watch a single trash mob hit at 2k corruption at nearly all that – if not all that depending on how much ‘armor pen’ the player caused him/her self.

Don’t mind me. 3:00am and going to bed now.

20k ward is enough if you make 20k ward in a splitsecond. This would solve some issues at very high corruption when you get oneshot “only” having 20k ward and whatever hp and def you’ve left.

You’re probably right. It might just be easier to enable a ‘rate of increase’ feature for ward. Kinda like POE.

Like yeah, your buddy paladin is going to slam that 20k ward on you … over 20 seconds…or something like that.

I think people should get more ward when the buged interactions are fixed but Ward should get the leech tretment where it’s almost useless to use because it was reduced so much. Just give Ward over a X second timeframe while ward retention decreases the frequency and cap it at 2x of the players HP and call it a day.

Doesn’t Ward already have that built in with Ward threshold and Ward Per sec? I just rolled a Warlock cause of well you know tired of playing HP builds getting 1 tapped in good gear.

Anyhow my mid gear Lock has 10k Ward just being low life. I have a 1k Ward threshold.
When I take a big hit my ward generates at 1,000’s per sec on the low end when ward is around 2k. However when Ward is near the top end 7-8k it regenerates slower.

So the key would be to continue to raise Ward threshold + Ward per sec and have a larger Ward pool for the fastest regeneration after big hits.

Currently my lowbie Sentinel is able to attain this block chance kinda easily. I’m currently trying to figure out what the upper limits of this are without sacrificing too much for block effectiveness. At the current moment though, I can intentionally stand in Lagon’s telegraphs and they heal me to full. But this is only story Lagon, will have to test with non-powered monolith Lagon and Empowered Lagon to damage test for reals.

I was able to tank Lagon with my Paladinin in story and unempowered monolith completely. Vengeance, Anvil Stance, Healing Hand (no ward). I wasn’t exactly high levelled or something when doing this. A crit from his moon strike would have killed me, in that regard I was lucky.

Before I try EM-Lagon (facetank style), I need to buff my resistances. Currently, all 3 important resistances aren’t as good as they need to be. 16% phys… :roll_eyes:

Yeah, I’m seeing what levels of defenses I can attain. Right now I’m trying to figure out how to get full health endurance as capping block was surprisingly easy. Armor and resistances are also kinda easy on this class so with 75% armor, 75% resistances 60% endurance and 100% block, I feel like I can get some serious EHP.

This is an L take.

And, when a health build is #1, above any ward build, will you then be posting here that health builds need a nerf because they are objectively better than ward builds?

Sure, multiple tens of thousands of ward are a bad idea and not even necessary, but these ridiculous overreactions are pathetic.
Like those crybabies fun is impacted by how well other do and they don’t.
This is the first season in a new game with big changes, which could and frankly should have been tested in EA first, but instead of major balance changes mid season they should rather make this season shorter.
The leaderboards, if you care about them, are screwed already anyway.
However, many if not most of the proposals are made by people who obviously have no idea what they are talking about.
I hope EHG doesn’t go overboard with balancing and ruin fun classes, ward or no ward.

He probably will whenever a build or mechanic is better is than his, by the sound of his rant.
Not saying that tens of thousands of ward are a good idea, but his ideas are simply stupid on top.
It’s the first season with a ton of untested changes and additions and wannabe hardcore players are behaving like their only reason for living was destroyed.
It’s pathetic.

Yes, I also think mana spent->ward is part of the issue as well. The sustain is pretty insane, on top of the near-instant healing from %missing life to ward. On top of that, you can turn potions into ward gens, and there’s just too many sources of ward compared to Health and health sustain.

Nah, the main thing driving ward production from mages for example is “Ward on hit” with Frost Claw. Due to major flaws in the talent tree for Frost Claw, you can spec full lower left, upper left, full upper right and full lower right at the same time. This combined with the mana efficiency buffs allow a mage to sustain the skill while producing HUNDREDS of hits per second.

Now this is also the biggest mana consuming spec too, throwing away like 300 mana per second or some nonsense, but at best that’s like 150-450 ward per second from “Mana spent → Ward”