Spirit Feast
Unique Relic
Every second, your equipped Soul Feast feasts on your Wandering Spirits for the double mana cost, and increases their damage by 30%.
HD: https://i.ibb.co/yBLfrth/soul-feast-relic.png
3D model: https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/shang-tsung-souls-phylacteries-stolen-lives-of-sun-do
The global idea is to get Ward from Wandering Spirits.
- “Every second”: Half Ward duration is 1.73 (~2) seconds
With 0 Ward Retention, half of the character’s current Ward will be lost every 1.73 seconds
- “Soul Feast feasts”: Please, no flashing effect
- “on your Wandering Spirits”: Targets Wandering Spirits
- “for the double mana cost”: balance
- “increases their damage by 30%”: x1.3 Wandering Spirits damage
These two skills are born to work together:
- Wandering Spirits reveals 13 units
- Soul Feast targets 13 units within 30 meters