Volcanic Orb, detonates on Boss Colission and on Use

Either my first Firemage was bugged as hell or the Volcanic Orb now is bugged and immediately detonates on Boss Colission

Here and there every 15-30 Casts the Orb also randomly detonates right on Cast (directly in front of me)

The 1st problem is on every cast
The 2nd problem is pretty much rng when it happens

Logged into my ghost character (died in HC) to test if it is maybe my new build, but nope… its kinda bugged or intendet with the new patch even tho i cant read anything about Volcanic Orb

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Similar issue appears to happen with Hammer Throw, on some bosses/enemies the hammer stops moving when it collides with the enemy and immediately returns, rather than continue and then return.

There seems to be something going on with collision in general for skills that used to pass through enemies.

Seems like it doesnt matter if Void or other types of Bosses, Volcanic Orb detonates on Boss colission no matter what type

Can confirm. Was leveling up a new Mage. Went with Frozen Orb as usual. Those Festering Cultist mobs simply make the orb explode immediately.

Just like that. Didn’t encounter the issue with bosses yet.

BUMP so devs will see it

No need to bump things in the bug forum… The Devs read every bug report. Just might not reply immediately depending on work hours/timezones.

will keep that in mind

It isn’t just Volcanic Orb.

A lot of abilities have this issue.

Hammer Throw will stop at the target and not do any damage.

Even Warpath will not have perfect control. It will hit the monster, but it will be an invisible wall that you can’t move around and can make it a bit awkward.

Hope to see this get fixed soon.

Edit: Even breakable objects like tables and such seem to have the issue in some cases.

Trasochi has found & fixed it, should be in the next patch (early next week).

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This should have been addressed with hotfix 8.3c. Let us know if you are still experiencing the same problem.

Thank you for the report.

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