Volatile Zombie Necro question

I see most people using Ghostflame on these builds, what’s the reason behind it?


Euhm …



Could you define most?

If you look on the ladder leaderboards most use Ghostflame for a full sacrifice build. I also me many in YouTube as well.

I’m assuming you mean the Arena leaderboard, which is the one that matters…

There is only one build in the top 100 with Ghostflame at 39th. There are only 6 Ghostflame builds in the top 500.
There are 5 Volatile Zombie builds in the top 100 that don’t use Ghostflame, including spot #1 and #4.

Even if you use the Level leaderboards, there are 83 that use both, 210 that use Ghostflame and 810 that use Volatile Zombie. So there are a lot more builds that use Zombies and not Ghostflame than the ones that do.

So the question isn’t “Why is Ghostflame used on Volatile Zombie builds?” but rather “Why is Volatile Zombie used in Ghostflame builds?”.

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Automated ward gen? Sadly the mobile version of the site doesn’t do the ladders.

Are you talking about LETools site? It still shows all the options, it’s just that due to size a few are hidden on the dropdown menu on the right.

The only dropdown menu on the right is language selection. The left dropdown menu allows you to select builds, the build planner, the resource pages, etc but not the ladders.


I see what you mean. That menu actually goes further down and has the ladder option 2 below your screen. It should scroll but doesn’t.
But you can simply request the desktop version and in there you can see the menu dropdown on the right with the options that don’t fit, including the ladder one.

Which is frustrating @Dammitt.

I was looking for that option but couldn’t see it.

Maybe you can try pinch zoom stuff to see if you can get a smaller version that shows the option.

As for requesting the desktop version, that will depend on the browser you’re using. On Chrome it’s simply on the dots setting menu on the top right and it shows up a bit down the list.

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Pinch zooms in but not out. I found the option for the desktop version.

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Ladders and Profiles are still accessible in mobile version.
Open menu, rotate phone 90°, scroll, rotate it back

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For some reason, the menu only scrolls when in portrait, but it doesn’t scroll down far enough & it doesn’t scroll at all in landscape. :man_shrugging:

Well, I have always felt that the desktop version is the easiest to use.
But barring that, you could simply type “last epoch ladder” into google and get the direct link in the results. I think we’re making this much harder than it needs to be. :laughing:

(But the LETools site could use a better mobile friendly design as well)