Volatile Zombie Awakening Presence

I tried using this node in conjunction with skeletons and didn’t proc once in 50 tries. I was normally trying to get it to proc with Skeletal Mages sacrificing Skelton Warriors. I made sure to have mana. I suspect it might have to do with the resummoning node on Summon Skeleton, but i haven’t checked.
here is my tree for skeleton
For Skeletal Mage

Have you tried it with you casting Sacrifice? It sounds like the Mage Sacrifice is not flagging the Skellie as “dead”. Do the Skellies sacrificed by your Mages trigger any of the other “on death” effects such as ward generation or Mark for Death on a nearby mob?

i did also try with my sacrifice unspeced, didnt work. I’ll check the other effects.

That makes me think it’s an issue with Sacrifice then.

in need to try it again. I tested it on a different necro and it worked there, so maybe it just wasnt enough mana. Do I only need positive mana to pay for triggered abilities or the whole cost available?

You only need positive mana, I think, it might trigger if you have negative & it just goes more negative. You certainly aren’t required to have sufficient positive mana to cover the cost.

not sure what i was doing wrong before but its working now. It might have been the zombie were exploding instantly and the Sacrifice visuals were lingering long enough to hide them

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It was working (zombies were spawning wihout me needing to use the skill), then it stopped working. I fought the shade of orobyss then went afk. When I came back to the same session skeletons dying would not proc zombies.

I tried recording it but the recording was 0.01 fps and didnt show anything :slightly_frowning_face:

Restarting the game fixed it. I will update if i can recreate it.

I was previously using this node and it worked with both Skele Mage sacrifice and player cast.

However I also just tested it with natural death vs a boss so I could watch hordes of my minions die to just AoE. This node is simply not working at all right now as far as I can tell. Fully broken, not a single zombie summoned no matter how much mana I have. I’m specifically using vomit so I would be able to see zombies sticking around if they’re summoned.

Edit: Just realized that like a true necromancer im responding to a post thats 2 years old. My problem however is new, as of I think the 9.1 patch.


I am having the same issue Fugue, I was wondering if it was due to the fact that I specced into having a CD, are you speced the same?

Yes I do have the CD specced. Previously however the way these nodes interacted was that Awakening Presence would ignore the cooldown entirely, but only summon one zombie (at the 3 zombie mana cost).

My testing however was done without summoning zombies manually either.

I have the same issue with Awakening presence not triggering with skeletons, however it is only if I haven’t dragged volatile zombie skill/icon down to the actionbar.
Do people know of this?