Volatile Zombie autocast ground-targeted Infernal Shade randomly

Maybe this doesn’t belong in bug reports, but I don’t know if its intended behavior or not. Here’s the setup:

  1. Infernal Shade is specced to attach to minions only with the Devour in Flames node, and also specced to be ground targeted using the Hellfire node. This results in a ground targeted Infernal Shade that deals damage without being attached to anything, and as long as you have no minions, it will stay unattached.
  2. Volatile Zombie has 5 points specced into Effigy of Combustion, meaning that it has 100% chance to cast Infernal Shade on an enemy near the zombie when it dies or explodes.

So my assumption was that, since the zombie is dead and there is no minion to attach to, the Infernal Shade will simply sit on the ground where the zombie died. Instead, what happens is after Volatile Zombie explodes, the shade will randomly spawn elsewhere on the screen, and not at the location where the zombie died.

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