Hello, I am playing warpath void knight and am using void cleave with this setup. I also have the new “Gravity’s Edge” node, which increases the max distance and turns void cleave into a traversal skill. I noticed when void cleave echoes, it does not use this max distance. Is this intended? I have found if I use void cleave while far away from an enemy I will hit them with the normal cast, but the echo will cast it from where I started and totally miss the enemy. I expected the echo would use the same area as my void cleave, and thus travel the same distance.
In my screenshot below I cast void cleave from the center circle in the mono hub. You can see how far my character traveled, vs the starting place where the echo is. If I was aiming for a far away enemy in this example, my echo’s void cleave would totally miss. I could potentially see how this might be intended behavior but it does seem odd. Thanks and let me know if you need additional details.
Screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/0PbNogP.jpeg
log file: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1azz-dmSTMV6c5JrM0HuB6-I2vdc5DKW3/view?usp=sharing