Visual effects in general and coop

Hey, i started runemaster this weekend and planned to do the light version. I generally enjoy coop and like to play with friends if our goals match from time to time. Well long story short, i was basically kicked out … the visuals effects are screenwide cluter, you cannot see any thing at high cast speed. The constant procs of tri element elemental nova are simple too much.

So my suggestion would be gameplay/graphic options.

First an option to turn of other player animations entirely. (Seriously it cannot be that visual effects decide whether a build is suitable for coop)

Secondly a setting option for your own visuall effects, maybe very low->low->normal. Its already hard to see whats happening on the screen if many enemies surround you. Beeing handycapped by your own skills should not be a possibility.

In conclusion to the situation right now; I made the decision to play the frost version. Without the helm what would give elemental nova 3 elements again.