Recently I’ve encountered a bug where my characters animation breaks after turning back from werebear form. I can replicate the bug freely, as long as I’m not using any skills that would use any other animation. I can open menues and skilltrees but my character is sliding in A-pose after. Any animation usage like skills would reset this bug.
Can confirm this is happening. It seems like it’s every form because reaper form does it as well. If you are moving when the form ends it seems to cause this?
Yes that seems to be the case. If im holding down the left click (which is the move for me) while transforming back it doesn’t start the walking animation. It’s like not checking for that animation input until i cast anything else.
Quick addition to the basic ticket. It’s happening with every shapeshifting ability i’ve found. (Reaper form, Swarmblade, Spriggan). The issue happening if you don’t give the game another input (manual click is enough) and just hold down mouse button to move.