Visibility of Skill Tree

The yellow lines between a learned skill and a unlearned skill are confusing to me. If this is only me, it’s my brain’s fault, and ignore this post. Otherwise, I suggest that some part of lines are grayed for better visibility.

The red circles are what I’m talking about.

This is my suggestion.


I’ll admit that I usually don’t have this issue and I don’t think I’ve seen anyone complain about it yet. Nevertheless, I don’t think that would be reason to “ignore this post”. Even if it’s a minority, this is basically an accessibility issue.
They could either change the UI so it’s easier for everyone, or make an accessibility option to make it work one way or the other and players can choose which they prefer.

Personally, I think your suggestion makes perfect sense for how it should always be and is unambiguous, even if I never had an issue with it before.


Would it be better to you if they are a different colour atleast?

Personally, I like the visual feedback to know what nodes are available, but I would definitely welcome the option for players to change these links into a Regular/Recolor/Hide option of their preferred way to visualize the tree links.

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