Vanishing item with Nem

So, I was trying to use the egg in the mono (which should really pause the game btw, especially on offline) and I clicked my armor that had 1 LP on it (next to the one without any LP on it) and in the heat of the mono, I clicked the armor into the box. I got a message that the armor had LP on it, and I thought to just change it, but the armor was no longer on my cruiser, nor in my stash or inventory. I turned off my loot filter and pressed x, and it wasn’t on the ground either. So, apparently, if you try to put the wrong item into the Nem Egg, it deletes the item. I’d really like that item back as it took me forever to farm it to get 1 lp on it.
Player.log (440.8 KB)

I wish I would have taken a video. It’s so frustrating.


My guess - lp was from nemesis and item got bugged this way

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