
Dive bomb can be turned into a really cool travel skill that uses a spear. Which you would presumably use as your main dps skill as well.

Has anyone seen or have any example for this in a fully functioning build. I got immediately curious as soon as I saw it and I don’t even know how I would start building it. I also haven’t seen anyone talk about it yet. I’ve seen one person using a spear but not with Valkyrie.

It would presumably be drastically different than how people are currently building falconer.

I’m using it with puncture and taking every bleed chance node I find. I’m not really sure what skills to spec aside from Dive bomb, Falconry and puncture. Right now it’s Net and Smoke bomb.

I swapped from shurikens & feathers to the Valkyrie playstyle. I chose puncture and explosive trap as side abilities, and will either take Decoy or Smoke Bomb when I hit 50. Overall, Valkyrie feels very powerful – I one-shot most mobs and do a strong amount of damage against mini bosses (~7-15% total health).

Link to my build plan

The problem is by making it a traversal skill it makes it share a CD with Aerial assault. Which is just a massive downgrade in power. Valkyrie itself then offers no obvious advantage for doing so.

Then only thing I can think of is, does it make Dive bomb YOUR attack. if its now, YOUR attack, that means it can proc falconer’s mark in Falconry. if it does, then it means Dive bomb can gain 150% more damage from this. which potentially can make up for not being able to use AA, in your build.

And use decoy to recharge traversal cd perhaps instead of AA.

I tested, and no Valkryie does not proc falconers mark.

If the tools entry for it is correct, its doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense to use it.

I was happy to see spear support in Falconer and I desperately want to make it work, but it still just seems badly undersupported and confused. Sharpest Point in the Falconer passives and Exsanguinating Strike on Dive Bomb seem to imply you want to be a bleed stacker, but spears as an item class seem to imply you want to be a hit/crit build. Valkyrie is cool but Aerial Assault is crazy good. You can’t use any of the Sword/Dagger/Bow support in Rogue-specific affixes, the unique spears are sort of mediocre for you and the “good” Falconer uniques are a bow (Talons of Valor) and a shield (Cradle of the Erased for glancing blow conversion).

Bleed Falconer seems really cool and fun, since you can get some absurd bleed-to-falcon conversions (300% from Blood Roost gloves, 200% from the Falconry tree, and 50% from the Falconer passive tree), but that build probably doesn’t want Valkyrie at all.

Yeah. I’m really trying hard to make it work with the current iteration and it almost always feels meh.

My current take on this atm is that they should just drop the spear requirement so it can work with Falcon Fists. Make it unarmed instead of a spear. Then you can do leap into cinderstrike.

There would just be too much that would need to go into supporting it otherwise. However, they could lean into poison stacking for it. I think there is enough there to make that happen. They just need to actually make it scale properly. The spear fantasy I think is worth preserving if they are willing to change some stuff

one thing to look at for anyone trying to make this viable.

Sync strike can use spear, and can be specced to spawn 4 shadows. (crit vul, shred as well)

this is VERY powerful with the shadow falcon divebomb.

So, maybe net trap>puncture, Sync strike, falconer, divebomb.

Bleed stacking and no Exsanguinating Strike on my spear build. Damage feels overtuned… statting +phys damage/shred and Dex.
Only on the lvl 80 monos atm, however (Clvl 73).

I’ve been enjoying Explosive Trap with No Man’s Land paired with Valkyrie. I also use Cinder Strike, Falconry, and Decoy. Lots of booms. I like to throw a buffed NML Explosive Trap barrage out and then Dive Bomb right in the middle of it. All the explosions! Then, those explosions summon more explosions. Great for the relatively low cooldown on Dive Bomb.

My biggest problem with Valkyrie is how wimpy the animation is. Despite the big numbers, it looks pretty lame.

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