Upcoming Bugfix for Serpent Strike's interaction with "Shattered Immunity"

Hello Travelers,

We wanted to provide as much head’s up as possible regarding an upcoming bugfix for a skill node as per our promise regarding fixes for bugs which result in the overperformance of a skill.

We are currently planning for our next patch to contain this bugfix which fixes the behavior from “Shattered Immunity”. This node was providing its damage modifier as four separate multipliers: “more damage per poison”, “more damage per poison at high health”, “more damage per frostbite”, and “more damage per frostbite at high health”.

This is being fixed to make it work as described in the node: There will be 2 multipliers, “more damage per poison” and “more damage per frostbite”, and the values of those multipliers will be doubled if the target is at high health.

We expect this patch to be going out later this week.


Unless the high health effects were double the normal modifiers & both normal & high health were applying (so triple damage at high health) then surely it’s working?

These are “more” modifiers, so they’re multiplicative with each other., making damage to high health scale quadratically with the number of ailment stacks.

welp, guess i am done for this cycle then if the result is a hard nerf. don’t fancy wasting my time to level something else with my limitted playtime and other games on the horizon. see you on the next cycle i guess, where i hope i don’t happen to pick a bugged build again

Rule of thumb. If a build does billions of damage in seconds, it is most likely due to some bugged node/interaction and best to be avoided if you are a casual and have limited time. Otherwise, be prepared to face the consequences. Cya next cycle :slight_smile:


There are so many builds to play though.

Bug fix so it isn’t broken. Should still be Stier.

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I am assuming that during the testing of this bug fix you’ve concluded that it will not completely invalidate builds that have this passive at its core (ex: Swarmblade SS), or you’ve taken the necessary actions (in this bug fix) to compensate for the damage loss (if it’s too extreme). Correct? :slight_smile:
It would be a shame to lose so much progress and filtered gear considering that we cannot change our mastery.
I think it’s in everybody’s best interested that when we log in after this patch, we should be able to do the same content as before.

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This type of action was voted by commmunity, maybe read about a game before you buy it.

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And I would assume the damage from mana stacking sorcs basically 1 shotting Aberroth is also being fixed? … Because lets be honest here, pre-cycle and this cycle unless some form of rogue or mage, you’re basically bashing your head against the wall trying to min-max just to be able to do half of what those builds can do at best.
I started this cycle playing Lich (even though it did not receive any buffs or changes like the mage or rogue) hoping that i could make a good poison build (which i did to some extent) till I hit a wall and started doing testing with the damage turns out that a lot of damage affixes don’t really work with ailments such as poison, tried to respec and try different builds but turns out that the market prices suddenly skyrocketed into 100s of millions per item… well there goes the character with all the hours spent leveling it. So decided to start a new character and opted for a swarmblade druid since the prices for the build are decent considering it’s not a “flavor of the month” build went through the mind numbing extremely slow leveling progress (still leveling the character) and now coming across this post, so this character is also bricked.
I guess I’ll just have to quit the game just like all my friends did the second they realised that they have to go through all the monolith multiple times to get to the pinnacle boss with an Exp nerf on top of that.
I really enjoy the game but to be honest things like this just ruin it for me.
My suggestion, either bring all the so called “meta builds” down a few notches where they perform the same as other builds or just leave it the way it is, or fix these things with the next cycle.

If it’s a bug then yeah, it’s probably in the pipeline. If it’s working as intended but just over-tuned, it might take longer to evaluate on how to adjust it.

Not at all my experience.
I am playing a very niche build and having the best time of my life. New corruption and Harbinger progression is great and I am having more fun than ever, even with very Hipster builds.

Defeating Aberroth is no problem, once you learned the mechanics properly.

Build is Erasing Strike VK btw

People who played that build should have 100% seen that coming and its correct to fix it.

Perry made a showcase of it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3Jw7yQ30nQ

Like even if you take 90% of the damage away that would still be one of the best builds out there.

I thinking there was a 2.8m damage hit at the end there 177 poison stacks and 105 Frostbite stacks is
856%, if/when both “doubled at high health” were then that’s an additional 1,692% for a total of +2,537% damage per hit. That’s insane.

While the dmg seems insane in game atm , this bug sounds like the dmg is above the intended level by an absolute ridiculous amount. ( 2x 600+% more dmg than intended?) I really hope the skill is still decent after that change.

Also apparently serpent venom does not have the poison tag, are we certain that it scales correctly with poison % dmg and poison penetration?

Ok the build now does “sane damage” problem you cant get the defences to stand around like you have to if stuff is not going to insta die, and you are a CC build so you HAVE to stand close and still to do damage. If you have to dance effects your effective damage becomes pathetic cause you cant be in cc doing damage while you have to dance ground effects. So please give us back uber dodge or some other defensive buffs so we can stand around doing the kind of damage you want us to do.