Upcoming bug-fix to Ballista

Are wraithlords bugged? Just good to know before start

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I am very happy for players which don’t like fixing bugs leaving game.
There will remain much healthier community


Nerfed the build in the middle of the cycle, if this happens then you can drop the game. Imagine the face of people who change the 3rd build, and they are nerfed one after another, although they promised not to do this until the end of the current cycle. Take the example of path of exile, never a single build was nerfed under any pretext during the season. Nerfing builds just because they are clearly stronger than others is the height of absurdity, I didn’t think that the developers would clearly go in the wrong direction…


What an idiot you are. We are no longer talking about bugs, we are talking about politics and how concepts are replaced by developers.

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oh you pure innocent soul.

Insulting other people - toxing community member, crying about fixing bugs in op build,
I’am happier much more


And what does this have to do with whining about bugs? We’re talking about POLITICS and the SIDE your favorite game takes. Which class will be nerfed next? Maybe you don’t care if you’re at 150 corrupt, but when you’ve been farming 2000+ for a long time and your class UNEXPECTEDLY gets a “bug,” it becomes funny)


How many more 2000+ corruption builds are here?
There was survey so players decided to fixing bugs in overpowered builds - by bug not by design.

You are right there are much more bugs, but I think they starting to fixing most overpowered and the strongest bugs

Those who play this build may be disappointed, but unfortunately we have the first cycle, so many changes will be dynamic, I like it


hear hear!

This is a very stupid position. Either you nerf the build in its first days, or you leave it alone and thereby set the “meta” for the season, but don’t wait 2-3 weeks when people have played 300-400 hours to find out that their character will be nerfed. This makes no sense in ARPG games.


At the launch, the developers made it clear that there would be no build fixes within the cycle.

I guarantee you, this and all similar “bug fixes” within the loop will result in the game not having any players left to set the meta, it just doesn’t make any sense. There will always be strong and weak builds, this is the game genre that is built on this, and this is the thrill of such games.

Nerfing a build just because it clearly stands out from others is the height of absurdity. At the same time, for more than 2 weeks, billions of gold from dupes have been pouring into the economy every day, and most of the players do not even know about it. This is what really needs to be fixed as soon as possible.


It’s bugged behavior, not design behavior.

If is it good nerfing builds by fixing bugs mid cycle - for me yes, for U no.
We disagree and i think it is all needed to say now


where did you see the bug

The bugfix we will be releasing is the following:

Fixed a bug where Ballista’s Armed Construction node was giving 1% increased radius per Dexterity instead of its listed 1% increased area per Dexterity
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Ok, the infinite ward was an obvious bug. I’m ok with that. The warlock was not obvious for a casual player but advanced players could know it, i’m ok with that fix but how were we supposed to know that even ballista was bugged if not even the developers were aware of it? Stop “Fixing” bugs mid league. This is not healty at all.

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I hope when you come out with 100 corruption in your build they will also find a fictitious bug

RIP. Was fun while it lasted… luckily I didn’t get to invest too heavily into it yet. I can’t argue it wasn’t OP (Agromorph hit 5K corruption on twitch) but it feels kinda bad that I have to research bugs on a mastery before playing it.


I bet half smaller radius will not make this build unplayable but much less overpowered - but maybe I am wrong.


Сand they could have just hired testers for the game, because they sold a million copies :smiley: But of course it’s better to nerf the builds in the middle of the cycle (sarcasm)

I’m definitely not going to play this next season, the point of investing in a build, then it will turn out that some developer somewhere mistaken, and the build no longer works.

I think we should wait a couple of years before playing again.


we are supposed to find the bugs they were not able to before releasing the league while we are investing our builds. THIS MAKES SENSE