Unique item wrongwarp IRS for teleport bug


i have mage flurry passive, that’s IRS for teleport is 9%, so the first scrrenshot is correct.
5 / 1.09 ≈ 4.6s
when i equipped wrongwarp that’s IRS for teleport is 42%, so the result should be 5 / (1+0.09+0.43) ≈ 3.3s, but the result shows on skill panel is 4.6s

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I just confirmed (and reported in-game) that it isn’t granting the proper amount to Transplant either. The item says 51%, but it’s really giving about 16% if you do the math.

Transplant base cooldown is 5s

Expected: 5.0s / (1 + 51%) = 3.3s
Actual: 4.3s (5s / 4.3s = 16%)

Though I’m wondering if you might have checked the cooldown tooltip too quickly, or it’s even more broken for more mages because I am getting SOME Cooldown for it with Transplant. It is just getting about 1/3 of what it is supposed to.

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