Unique Item 3D Models

Will there be 3D Models for all the Unique Items in the future?


Yes, I am sure there will be. I have been playing from early access and they have already added 3D models to a lot of uniques.

Having found 13 unique weapons (ones I can equip as VK), all of them have a 3d model.
I’ve found 15 unique armor pieces, none have a 3d model. Safe to say they started with weapons and hopefully they’ll get to the armor soon.
Dark Shroud of Cinders sitting in my stash… just waiting for the day…

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Small bump, did we get any info if 1.1 will bring any?

Weapons are the easiest to do 3d models for, armour needs to be animated & rigged (whatever that means) for each class (& skill?) that can use it.

@Ragecloud Not sure since I’ve not been watching Mike’s livestreams, but I’ve asked on Discord.

Hmm… I’m not sure, but I don’t remember anything about 3d models from Mike’s streams in a month or so

They’re adding more but also more new uniques without unique 3d models.

I hope that will one day be a reality.