Unique Bow prophecies drop rare/exalted instead of uniques

as stated in topic - Unique Bow prophecies drop rare/exalted instead of uniques. I’ve tested it multiple times and problem seems to be reproducible every time for me. Problem seems to affect only Unique Bow and possibly Unique Ranged Weapons, as this prophecy also bugged in one of examples below. I’ve tested multiple prophecies and every time instead of, for example 4 Unique Bows I got 1 Unique, 1 Exalted and 2 Rares.
I’ve also run few other prophecies - for Unique Armor, Daggers etc. and they seem to work correctly.

For additional info:
I noticed this bug when I unlocked 3rd lens slot and put Refracting Lens of Wealth in there, however it was the same time I started running Unique Bows prophecies, so I am not sure if it related. I tested both with that lens and without - propblem occurs every time despite the lens.
My other lenses were Obscuring Lens of Battle and Obscuring Lens of Depths

Here are few recordings of me showing exact prophecy and bug in action:


I am having the same issue today, twice completed bow prophesies and received rares instead of uniques.