Unbale to re-enter Ruin of Welryn, access blocked

Hi I had entered the Ruins of Welryn previously and complete 2/3 of the quest.
But now when I go back to Welryn Undercity I can no longer access the door. it is blocked again.


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Thanks for the report! We’ll look into this issue but for now there is another staircase that leads back out into the Ruins of Welryn off the right. :]

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Awesome that works!

Same issue, same exact situation, did 2/3, TP’ed, went elsewhere, came back and couldn’t get in. Killed the three phyllactories, but the entryway wouldn’t open.

I have this problem too… has there been any fix? and what do you mean another staircase? where is it?

If you mean the staircase to the right of the waypoint, that staircase is blocked for me

huh? How is there a second way to get into the ruins, when you need to do this quest to get access the first time? You’re saying you can just bypass his quest?

I’m having the same issue as OP, and I’m exactly 2/3 void horrors on the ‘Clearing the ruins’ quest too. I had gotten past the lich, started that quest in the next zone, and then had to logoff. Now, he blocks the way again and there’s no way into the zone past him.

The same problem (
“now there is another staircase that leads back out into the Ruins of Welryn off the right” - where to find this staircase? Can’t find (
Thank you in advance

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