Umbral Blades position bug


Check the difference between the cursor and the bladestorm trigger

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Does this happen often in all zones or specifically in this zone?

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A very relevant question.

I checked, everything works correctly in the other zone.

In addition to this, umbral blades (without the node that makes it larger but only 1) fire only a short distance in the mono - Ritual Lake when the character is standing in water. But when on land, skill works fine.

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This is inconvenient for at least half of the Echo. I can only control the throw next to me.

Positioning error in certain places on the map. And there are a lot of such places on the maps. I think the landscape is the problem.

Last Epoch bag (957.5 KB)

in the same places on the maps. There are many such places. Probably depends on the landscape

I made a post pointing this out with other projectile attacks such as the Shurikens.

The terrain appears to actually have depth and height to it and projectiles follow that.

This is most obvious in the Lake echos for the monoliths, in the water the projectiles dont work but on the sand dunes they do work and you can see when you throw them they follow the curve of the terrain.

I have also found that this is also an issue with bonfires on some echoes, I forget what the map is called but if you try to throw a shuriken at the fire it doesnt work but if you through it away it does work. Also if you stand far enough away from the bonfire and then throw it at the fire it will work right up to a certain point.

This also isnt just visual as anything that was in the path of the projectile wont take damage if the projectile isnt showing going through that area.

Biggest offender of this is the Lake Echo, most Rogue/Bladedancer abilities do not work in the water causing it to be unplayable.

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