Ultimate Synchronized Strike Build 0.8.0

you can switch out dancing strikes with anything you want.

I use Decoy instead of Dancing Strikes, helps to get boss aggro off of you for a while. Gotta manage your mana though.

Just wondering why you have Majasan Dagger and not Obsidian Dagger in the Gear Planner?

Im wearing majasan

Did you find the time to make an update for the passive points?

Soon :slight_smile:

Hi, first thanks for the build

I wanted to ask, why you take dancing strike? you never use it in you’r vidĂ©o right? and for the gameplay too?

Can’t wait for the passive update!

@boardman21 How on earth do I get those Blessings? I have been looking online for a Mono guide, raising area level and such. Still no clue how I can buff up my Resists.
P.S. Did Reign of Dragons at 77. Feels like a good build. :slight_smile:

Get which blessings?

Need Grand Bastion and Dream of Eterra. I think I need to re-do the timelines until they are lvl 100 correct? I think I just unlocked Reign of Dragons 100. I wish there was a tutorial or smth, I saw people raise the level of their timelines but you have to go click some other structures, come back and whatnot. Months ago I got frustrated because I had done the same Timeline 3 times with the SAME Blessing reward, it did not show the ones I had found in a guide.

To unlock the 100 Monos, theres only 3 of them, you just need to click on the highlighted chest that are on the pathways between timelines.

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I’m using your build and like it very much. Thank you! I use decoy with three shadows istead of one and it works great.

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