[UI/UX] Mana Bar over character head


  • Mana is one of the most important thing to almost every build, simply no mana/negative mana cannot cast skill
  • Need to track mana bar frequently to:
    • avoid critical moment (need mana to use defensive skill but no/negative mana)
    • avoid awful moment in skill sequence (eg. out of mana to spam skill after turning on Arcane Ascendance)
    • special interaction to mana bar threshold (eg. >50% mana with Orian’s Sun Seal Ring…)
    • special interaction to negative mana (eg. Null Profusion, Null Infusion, Calm mind…)
    • “no mana = (almost) death” builds (using " Damage Taken From Mana Before Health" mechanic, mana become a (large) part of EHP)


  • Currently, it’s so inconvenient to track mana bar frequently in fast pace H’n’S ARPG game like LE, especially to wide/big screen
  • One of the most important thing like mana bar is not shown in area center of screen which is the part of UI player usually focus on (we do have health bar, why no mana bar?)


  • Add mana bar under health bar over character head
    • Add option to show/not show this mana bar
  • Mana bar should be easy to see (maybe blue) and change color when it become negative mana (maybe pink)
    • Add option to show/not show negative mana (not show negative mana means the bar become empty at negative mana, not change color)
  • Add vertical lines to mana bar to detect mana threshold (25%, 50%, 75%)
    • Add option to show/not show these vertical lines

. 1. Background section: Add special interaction to negative mana
. 2. Background section: Add info related to " Damage Taken From Mana Before Health"