UI is cut off on non-widescreen resolutions

Unfortunately I’ve got a potato laptop, I’m getting 10-15 FPS on 800x600 resolution and single digits on the lowest wide-screen FPS. Much of the new UI including talent trees and monoliths don’t fit on the 800x600 resolution and gets cut off. Talent trees are mostly unusable on this resolution and I can’t read some of the info on the monolith UI. Is there any way to get the UI to scale with low resolutions?



Yip… LE is unfortunately not optimised yet and older potatos can struggle tremendously. Crinkle Cut flat potatoes especially :wink: … Not much that you can do about it right now…

UI at 800x600… Not sure that EHG would even have tested at this res unfortunately… They have never specifically given a minimum screen resolution requirement but I figure they might have just forgot about checking it…

The UI scaling… yip… there is a growing thread in the Feedback section about this… Even on 1080p parts of the UI seem too big and there are a few UI clips if you look carefully… You may want to put your two cents into that thread if you are up to it…

Will have to see what the devs do…

Yea, I don’t expect great performance and I can have some occasional fun with 15 FPS at a low resolution, but unfortunately this patch actually made things a bit harder for me :slight_smile: even though the FPS didn’t get worse.

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