Typo/Grammatical Errors in "A Long Detour" quest description page

Hi there,

I hope this the right channel to post these errors, which I have found in the description for the early game quest “A Long Detour”.

Here is a picture of the errors in context.

The first line of quest description text should most likely read, “*From the Traveler’s Camp travel east to the Southern Plateau”, rather than “In the Taveler’s Camp…”

Additionally, “Traveler’s” is spelled two different ways on the page. The quest description reads “Traveler’s” with one L in the American style, whereas the large text at the bottom and the text in the quest checklist read “Taveller’s” in the British.

Hope that is somewhat helpful.

All the best!

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Sorry, I also just noticed that the apostrophes are also inconsistent. The two quest descriptions have the apostrophe “…er’s”, whereas the large text has it "ers’ "

I believe "ers’ " is correct.

Thanks again.

It is since the camp belongs to a group of Travellers rather than a single Traveller.

English is hard, especially for non-native speakers.

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