Two small suggestions for the chat

  1. It would be a nice addition if pressing ENTER WITHOUT writing a piece of text would automatically close the chat (not sure if it’s a problem on my end or not).
  2. Add our character name before the typed message instead of ‘To Global’. It would make it easier to follow your own messages.
  3. Use a different color for our names (see above first). It would create a better lisibility.

Screenshot with the suggestion


Totally agreed - and, going a step further: i’d recomment turning OFF global chat in a single player instance at all - as there are, imo, absolutele NO impacts to want online-chat in my offline SP-game…

There is a seperate thred for this topic here: Forced Global Chat - Feedback and Suggestions - Last Epoch Forums

I understand that having an online chat in a single player instance is a bit weird but I somehow like it. There are evenings when we are having a great chat into the global chat while playing our offline characters. I would extend the idea to having the possibility to join the global chat, but it being disabled should be the default.

Well, that doesn’t sound like my typical ARPG-evening, but if you are having fun that way, than i won’t argue!

Your suggestion "off by default, but switching chat on if one likes worldwide chats in a SP-game is a very good one - let’s hope EHG takes it into account!

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