Two Leagues at a Time Solves Trading Issue

Hi, this is RPGIGAN, a youtuber w/ over 7k subscribers focusing on D2, D4, POE, and LE (admittingly not much Last Epoch, only because I’m sure to play much more when 0.9 comes out!)

I’d like to give my input on trading in the game’s future. I often have the most fun in POE crafting items to sell for in-game profit. Those are often my most popular videos by views. Many people play the economy for generating game revenue more so than just farming. Crafting in Last Epoch is excellent; as good as POE. This is something D2 was always lackluster in (crafts are essentially rolling runewords, blood crafting jewelry with pure RNG, etc), but targeted crafting drew me into Last Epoch when I first got it, back when items would have fracturing potential rather than forging potential.

I think there is an easy fix to the dilemma over trading in the game: Simply release two types of leagues/ladders at a season.

Free market version: unlimited open trading. This is great for people who want to play a truly min/maxed build and buy a lot of their gear, or for people who want to craft for profit in the game or showcase crafting like on my YouTube channel.
Example name: “Free Market” or “Open Bazaar” etc

Party trade only version: Perfect for people who want a SSF playstyle, or to only trade amongst their friends. Friend trading could be locked to people who have been your game friend for at least 1 month to minimize RMT “friending.”
Example name: “Item Self-Found” or “Hunter-Gatherer” etc

I know this would be complex to code, but you could consider a 1/10 drop rate for the Free Market league compared to the Item Self-Found.

I do believe this would make all players very happy as the game approaches 1.0 release.

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Old idea and people hated it because of the obvious community split and the possible work load of balancing 2 clients. That pretty much sums it up and can be found in one of the many other trade thread you managed to overlook :smiley: .


Sure, I understand the issues balancing two clients. But there already is a community split over this.

Your post looks familiar, did you already post this somewhere? Not trying to make a joke just having real dejavu. It would also possibly double the storage requirement of the game without much benefit to EHG. Quite a few players, me included, would very likely double dip. I have also read a post somewhere that mentioned a game that does this but I can’t recall what it was. However the main comparables to LE do not so why should EHG?

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They copy/pasted this from a reply in another thread, and added the last 2 lines. Changed one word in the middle


That’s a different meaning.
By “community split”, in the context of leagues, we mean people physically playing in different worlds, unable to interact.
Not a split in opinions / playing styles.

You know what else solves the trading issue?

No trading, and a decent drop rate so that you really don’t even need to trade to get build-enabling items.


To nitpick it’s not a matter of balancing two clients as everyone will have the same client. But it will require balancing the drop rates on the different ladders.

As far as splitting the economy, people said that about an SSF ladder in POE before it was created. As they already had softcore and hardcore ladders. But they have the healthy population to support it.

Drop rates in PoE SSF are terrible due to balance for trade. The developer knows that and unapologetically says tough ****. They do NOT have separate drop rates for different ladders.

POE was brought up regarding splitting up the community. I made no comments on my opinion of their SSF or their drop rates. Kindly don’t put words in my mouth

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Was not putting words in your mouth. No other arpg that is being actively compared to LE has different drop rates for ssf and trade. So why should EHG do so when their stated vision from the beginning would only ever have allowed very very limited trade? I would even say that LE gifting in 0.9 is actually more open than what is currently known about “trade” in D4

If LE pulls the same player numbers then PoE each season then LE can do the same stuff. Dividing 8k players into up to 6 to 10 different leagues is a whole other topic when it comes to splitting the community. If you have 500k players the topic is completely different.

Then again if Every of the seperate game instances have different rules and rates each and everyone needs to be adressed. They don’t even balance masochist mode and that’s a very strange thing to do in my book because throwing something out there and not caring for it is the worst thing a dev can do from my point of view.

So when ther is masochist and even masochist is to much to even slightly care about then I don’t know what the devs think about more rules and rates that could on top consist of masochist.

I really wish drops felt good, so that I don’t end up in situation with 500 hours played and no Exsanguinatos dropped. Can’t make any low life build cause of bad luck. Also that means that I probably won’t get one if I play another 500 hours, feels really bad.
If only there was a technology to slowly make progress towards a goal to not get burnt out, and then deterministically get any rare item.


So i can ignore it then since i read it past time.

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There is and it is not trade. Target farm and drop rate go brrrrrttt

LE’s kickstarter said:

Fear not, friends will be able to freely gift items between each other as long as they have been friends for a reasonable amount of time.

Gifting is more restrictive and less appealing than that imo.

We know that in D4 you can freely trade materials used to craft very strong items. That is far more “open” than gifting.


I already addressed that in a previous post. If the community is that small then open trade will not be a problem anyway.

It would certainly be better than bartering.

You cant trade everything needed to craft. It is like blizzard threw a bone out there to say “see it has trade”. Most likely it is only going to be for rare Unmodified bases. Very likely you are going to need to spin the rng wheel to make it something you would create a legendary from.

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