Turn with channel spell and controller?

Using a XBOX controller, everything is fine but can’t turn with channel spell like the ray from the mage…

To be more accurate, the spell jump from a mob to an other without a smooth rotation you can attack everyone but it feel really weird, close to cheat cause in less than 0.00001 sec you can attack front then +99° degree top mob then -180 degree mob.

Bump 12345

No answer from dev when tickets are opened ?

Almost never, since they are working on the game rather than answering bug reports directly. Only sometimes they reply if something is unclear and they need more information.

There is a long thread for controller feedback btw - so if you have anything else to add, you can post in there. Not that you would get answers by a developer sooner, but general feedback regarding the controller fits in there nicely :slight_smile:

Every bug report, or feedback /suggestion thread from the forum (or from discord, or reddit) is logged, sorted and passed on to the devs. Even when you don’t get an answer you can be sure someone will read it.

Yeah, I did report something similar a little while ago. Essentially, anytime your character is rooted (can’t move) you can’t freely aim your character. I wasn’t aware you could still target enemies if they were around, but that’s good news (or perhaps an improvement). I have found some success with some of the controller issues by having steam change the behavior of my controller to a mouse region when specific buttons are pressed (for example, you normally can only teleport to an enemy, and can’t really control the direction any movement skills go when on a controller).

By going into steam and adding an extra layer, you can have your teleport button (RB for example) switch to a layer that causes your left stick to act as a mouse region, putting a mouse cursor that follows the direction and magnitude of your stick movement immediately. Then on that layer set it up so that releasing RB presses the keyboard import for teleport (E for example) before switching back to the controller layer.

I know on a recent stream someone asked about console release and they mentioned that they weren’t working on console release yet, but were working on improving controller support, so hopefully we’ll get some improvements soon.

Hmmmm i think i will not use channel spell then :slight_smile: