Yes that is a good idea, especially cause your endgame progress isnt shared among all your chars so you would have to do it for every alt. Imagine that
It kinda is, the web doesn’t reset so you can keep going with higher stability monos which will significantly reduce the amount of monos you do to hit the stability requirements.
The web only resets after killing the Shade, but then the corruption increase will increase the amount of stability you get from a mono.
Also makes monoliths many times harder
So you might increase the drop rate but you increase the time it takes
I did 450+ Echoes in Spirits of Fire farming for Omnis and never got it, I did the boss over 21 times and got the Minion blessing twice and both were crap rolls. Logis hunger dropped 3 times
Eventually i stopped doing the boss, you can stack up 1800 stability, I used to get horrible modifiers and use the quests/boss to clear them
The bosses arent jokes at 300+ corruption. You get ‘deadly’ modifier on Spirits trio and dont constantly keep them damaged you will take extreme damage from those fireballs
I’m also wanting to get this amulet. Do the blessings that increase specific drop rates help with boss uniques at all? In this case, it would be Vision of the Aurora, which increases amulet drop rate.
Another question for strategy: How best to increase corruption? Should I go really deep before fighting a shade, or just fight the first one I find that will increase corruption? Thanks!
Honestly a more deterministic form of target farming would be welcome, but rng is the nature of these games, so …
Those blessings only work on random drop normal, magic, rare and exalted items.
Not on unique or set items. (neither boss ones nor random drop ones)
Fighting deeper shades with more corruption gain is better, since shade always needs a certain depth to even spawn.
I usually try to get at least +12-15 corruption and see how deep I can get without any crazy detours or dead ends.
But if a 11 corruption shade is the only thing I can do without major de-tours I also will do that.
Sometimes you can get deep enough to even fight a 18+ shade without any de-tours.
Thanks for the info and great strategy help! So I should get 12-15 corruption from close shades first, then go for a super deep run? I’m also curious what echoes you prioritize, and which ones you consider the lowest value? Do you look more at the negative modifiers, the item rewards, or the increased xp/rarity numbers?
Generally alwas try to get the highest/deepest shade possible, but if there are a lot of dead end early, just to the next best one, before you do like 5+ echoes siesways, just to discover another branch that could potentially go deeper.
That heavily depends on the build, but generally all exalted echoes for items types i am intersted in(especially since 0.8.4).
I usually try to balance out defensive/offensive mods, because I hate if enemies are glass cannon or beefy af.
If you wanna farm the timeline boss on top of pushing corruption I also do 1st and 2nd quest echo asap, when they become available, so after doing the 2nd quest echo I can build up as many modifers as possible before doing the boss, same goes for shade.
They both drop their more rare items more frequently with high %inc item rarity.
if you don’t care for the Timelines Boss, ignroe quest echoes and just use them to get rid of bad modifers early.
Thanks for those great tips! Another question: when trying to farm for boss uniques, what is your strategy for boss timing? I know that you can accumulate more stability than required and it will carry over. I don’t know how much carries over though, if u know please share. So, do you get a whole bunch of corruption first, then do rounds of bosses? Or do you just do a boss when you see you have a good stack of +% rarity mods?
Similarly, there are effects like “Increased Amulet Drop Rate” which are typically granted by Blessings. This would cause more amulets (including unique’s) to drop for you without affecting how many items of other types drop.
Just saw that post in the community game guide topic where that game dev says it works for uniques (so I’d assume sets as well). Or have things changed since then?
The amulet drop rate blessing, for example, just causes more amulets to drop therefore since the % chance for a unique doesn’t change you’ll get more unique amulets overall (because more amulets are dropping).
@AndrewTilley . I keep on trying to find a way to interpret it differently, but this section of the game guide could use a little tuning I think… What Heavy said is correct, and has been confirmed by the dev’s I’m pretty sure.
@Llama8 Ok, cool, I figured as much. So, in effect you will see more uniques of that type from mobs. But does this affect boss drop uniques at all? Also, when you get an echo reward for like exalted rings, rare boots, unique item, unique staff, etc, do these drop-rate blessings work at all on them?
This was was driving me crazy.
I am 100% sure that @EHG_Mike confirmed a while ago, that any Increased [Insert Item Type] Blessing would not affect how many uniques of that type are dropping.
(I am so sure about that, because I know that there was another discussion/question arising from his statement, that drops in LE don’t work how many people think it works. The game rolls rarity first and then type I think. This also leads to Items like Unique Off-Hand Catalyst and Unique Bows for examples to drop as much as for any other class, that usually has lower drop rates for that type.)
For that statement I could even find one written source, but I am sure Mike explained this on dev stream as well:
Drops in game are weighted towards drops from your class so you will find a majority of items that you can use on your class. This does not affect the drop rates of unique and set items.
But For god sake’s I can’t find where he said that with the blessings though, might be on the dev stream.
I am pretty sure that statement was given multiple times over the last couple of months/year.
But @Trasochi did confirm on discord not so long ago, that it would affect uniques and set items of that type dropping.
But it will not affect the specific drop boss drops at all.

What Heavy said is correct, and has been confirmed by the dev’s I’m pretty sure.
At least I am not going crazy on my own LUL
I know the quote you mean Heavy, but then you have Trasochi’s quote. And the devs have been wrong before.

This was was driving me crazy.
I am 100% sure that @Mike_Weicker confirmed a while ago, that any Increased [Insert Item Type] Blessing would not affect how many uniques of that type are dropping.
Don’t worry, I believe you. But it’s possible it could have changed since you last got that info.

I know the quote you mean Heavy, but then you have Trasochi’s quote. And the devs have been wrong before.
Who is Trasochi, just curious? Would help me judge how correct his statement is.

Who is Trasochi, just curious? Would help me judge how correct his statement is.
Trasochi is the Lead Developer, but I think most of the people in EHG, at least in the Developer Team do various different Things anyway, because they are still relatively small.
Then an added text, such as (does not affect predetermined boss drops) would be helpful.
I think they should publish the LP rates on the uniques in the game. That way you know not to waste your time.
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