Trolly Critical Crafting

Alright, so here’s a thing that should probably never happen… A critical crafting success kinda screwed me over. I guess that with the upgrades I’d made, I was reaching that threshold where it won’t let you upgrade it anymore due to level requirements. That critical success combined with my normal crafting result ended up making the item unusable for 3 more levels, which is super annoying because it’s the only weapon I had lined up for this character.

Now, he’s level 12 so it’s really not a big deal (even though it stings a bit more since he’s a masochist HC melee character) but I can imagine this happening when levels don’t come quite so quickly and I don’t think that’s a desirable potential outcome from crafting, especially when it can already be soul-crushing enough when you’re going for something really specific and it just backfires time after time. I don’t have a problem with the crafting in general, despite the unavoidable frustration of 90% success fractures, but yeah… I thought I should bring attention to this quirky situation.


Have had the same happen to me as well. Would be a good thing to add a rule on the crafting system that would prevent a critical success from making your item go beyond your level. If you’re upgrading the item you’re using rather than a new item you’re trying to replace your currently used item with, it hurts.
My only solution, which I should have went with the second time, is to never upgrade your item you’re using if it’s the only itme you have for that slot.

It’s a bug that will be fixed next patch.


You think thats bad ? My lvl 17 char just made a lvl 27 amulet :smiley: Glad to hear its getting fixed though !

Hahahhahahaha i had this a few times aswell. I was still happy with the critical succes however.
I really felt trolled aswell non the less.

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Same thing happened to me I was level 20 crafted the boots I was wearing and they became level 28 boots from the crit. Definitely not something that should happen so I’m glad they are already planning to fix it. edit: I hope the fix isn’t to make you unable to crit the craft. It should just not raise the required level.

I agree that I hope it won’t prevent the crit outright - My initial thought would be to put the “normal” required level but then put the Actual required level in a different color or in brackets or something beside it, which would be like an exemption for that one character. Now that would probably break PvP and idk how difficult it would be to implement so that’s probably not a realistic solution, but… I also hope that the net result won’t be “don’t craft too close to your own level or you’re guaranteed to crit success”.

The other thing I thought of was almost a “Carry Over” crit success, but while I haven’t figured it out myself it just feels like that’s there’s a way to abuse that I’m just not seeing…

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