Tried it for the first time... connections and stability are a mess

Have you seen my Video (Biggest one/needs download) I put in my thread in the BUG REPORT called - Could be a Destroyer for the entire game.
Is it something similar?

I was disconnecting almost every time I ported between areas. A brief look online pointed me to “TCPOptimizer.exe”.

I have no interest in the company, and you need to resolve your own opinions about the risk of freeware, but I do feel running this tool once solved my problem.

It shouldn’t be necessary, but it did seem to work for me. (5 days now w/out disconnects)

Huh I thought I was just unlucky. Haved played like 2 times the last few weeks and both times I had long loading times, rubber banding and also the issue with animations not updating (like dead enemies running in place). No disconnects though and still not unplayable but quite annoying.

Also EU West. Guess I’ll try another server if it is like this at release as well.

Have you tried a tracert to wherever the servers are located? Sometimes ISPs can be a bit sneaky & flag speedtest packets for “can I speak to your manager” tier speed so they don’t get held up anywhere by the normal network management system.

No, what you’re experiencing is clearly quite different. I gave you a link to other posts where people are experiencing the same issue. Rubberbanding & lag is clearly not the same as the game crashing.

I also don’t trust sites that want to download files, so if it’s different to the other one you linked, you might want to upload it to a normal video sharing site like YouTube.

Yeah I did, they seemed pretty normal. My ISP has always behaved, except for one instance in which connections to I-don’t-remember-what were blocked due to being erroneously flagged as malicious, a 10 minute call was all it took for them to fix it, so I can’t really complain on my end.
I might be wrong, granted, but I also have a lingering suspicion of a memory leak of playing a role. I didn’t experience any crashes (probably helps I’m on 64GB) but I noticed the usage was more than three times compared to that of a clean launch.
I have no idea whether that could mimic rubberbanding though, I’m no techie.

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