Trading system

I may have missed it, but I didn’t see any topic talking about an item-for-item exchange system in a kind of auction house. On the other hand there are always people who comment just to look for conflicts and pollute threads ^^ I don’t understand why you continue to comment if you don’t want to talk about the subject… If you don’t like the thread, just ignore it.

Trading doesn’t means you get your dream items that easily because good items are going to be expensive which locks them behind huge amounts of grinding.

What it will probably sell cheap however is items with a potential to craft and be good. But that will of course depend on luck, it just helps players find craftable items because as you are probably well aware, most items that drop are not worth crafting as their potential to become good is too low.

It may help players get easier access to shards (assuming they allow trading shards) since some of them are on the rarer side like specific class shards.

If you make trading hard then essencially you end up with something like PoE or worse which is regarded as one of the worst trade systems and one that ruins the game. You want the opposite, you want trading to be easy, simple and fast, preferably with no interaction with the other person at all.

Don’t forget that the potential for items doesn’t stops at T20, it stops at T28/T30 and legendary items. All of these are highly gated by drop rates since items with multiple exalted mods are extremely rare and getting a 4 potential on a unique is ridiculously rare, especially the good ones that are high level.

So I have huge doubts that trading would ever harm the game. It would make the earlier gearing a lot easier which is a good thing and move the late gearing from nearly impossible to being limited to someone who is good and puts in the time which is fair and even then they do have to put in the time.

That generally happens when you care more about getting attention on what you think than engaging in a discussion.

Your very thread itself is already pollution, by virtue of its complete redundancy. It did not add anything original or interesting to the discussion of trade and what it should or shouldn’t be. There is no value in its existence, and no reason for it to exist. At most it should be a reply to any existing thread about trade. As its own thread, the underlying statement is “My opinion is too important to be just a comment” - it’s nothing more than a narcissism sandwich.

Take some time to really, truly contemplate this concept with introspection. It will make you a more useful person.

If you can’t handle reading criticisms of what you post, then don’t post.

I think OP did bring up an actual new idea to the table in all these existing trading post, enough of an idea to deserve its own thread IMO.

I don’t necessarily agree and I would still have a million questions about it, but I actually never heard of a system that is kinda AH-esq with item for item trading.

Now to the actual topic:

Putting stuff for trade into the AH is fairly easy and straight forwards, but defining what you want is very complex if its not a unique item that is pre-determined in its stats (and even unique items would have lare value difference depending on the rolls ,especially in LE, where there is no way of re-rolling the values)

So either the list of items you potentially would want needs to be very long or very vague and you would need to interact with the potential buyers to negotiate further, but that would kill the purpose of the AH system, because then you have player to player interaction.

I actually really like the system in theory, but I do think it would have a tremendously hard time in a meta-driven gaming landscape that is nowadays present in basically any game.

People always want maximum efficiency and profit out of everything and item to item exchange often does not give you that.

So the buyer would not want to give you an item that is much more “worth”, because that feels like waste to them and the seller would not want to buy the items for something that is slightly “less worth”.

This kind of system reminds me of trade that people do in group-found leagues in PoE.

Its basically a mix between SSF and trade, were you do have trade, but you will very likely never get exactly what you want nor the value.

Player A needs item X and owns Item Y
Player B needs Item Y and owns Item X

Both items have different “values”, but they would benefit both player right now a lot for their power/progression, so in a group-found environment, where you might not get a better chance for the same or a similar trade you will do it, just to get progress regardless of if teh worth of one item is less.

Stuff like this will never ever happen in a completely open trade environment.

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