Trade QOL

When searching for an item, there are two major issues. One, when you select an affix, you can only search by Tier of that affix. If I input Critical Strike Chance and Spell Damage and select Tier 6 minimum, it will usually not find any items because only one of the affixes will be Tier 6 or higher. You should be able to search for a minimum tier for each affix you choose.

Second issue is that you should be able to search for a specific range on the affix. For example, if I want to search for Void Damage, I should be able to search for Void Damage higher than 100%. I would like to see the option to select the range like Void damage Min - 100%, Critical Strike Chance Min 75%, etc.

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Another QOL change that needs to be implemented is when you sell items. I do not know why the item that you sell is not at the top of the list. I hate having to scroll through different pages trying to find the item that sold.

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Agreed, and another improvement to searching would be for the search box to be auto focused, so that clicking categories does not require clicking the box again to type. There is no other text box anyways, it should always be focused, so that whatever you type goes into it.

Yeah. Some items it’s not too bad to look for, but trying to hunt for specific idols with ranges is a nightmare. Being able to select affixes individually would be very handy, as well as specify ranges. Not to mention having the search be able to do count function (I require throwing damage prefix, but want either health, health%, or void resistance suffix).

The stall is rough too, simply because you will end up with too many pages to be manageable very quickly. Should either have a way to purge sold listing that you’ve already collected on, a page that shows only transactions waiting to finish, or let you sort by transactions yet to be finished.

I think the market is a good start, but there’s certainly a few things that need to be remedied before it’s really usable. Trying to find a 5% health idol is just a nightmare!

Yes, the stall currently is not very functional.

A ‘claim all sales’ button would definitely do the trick there.
Or alternatively listing the already claimed items separate from the ones which are still open for it.

The intricacies of affix search are basically mandatory. It not only affects convenience but also is a basic mandatory mechanic for people to compare their item with others, pricing it accordingly. Currently if you’re selling your only option is to price it a bit willy-nilly and hope nobody sees a better rolled option before clicking on yours.

Or a third button to have Listed, Sold, and Pending where the Pending button shows the sales you haven’t collected yet.

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