Trade & Item Factions

Is this feature available for offline players? MG will be useless there but the extra drops from the other factions is very nice.

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Looks great. Can’t wait!

Absolutely amazing! Fantastic! The CoF ranks are great! I can hardly contain my excitement over this


If we count them using specificity (each type of enemy killed that can trigger a prophecy): A lot, I don’t know the exact number off the top of my head. It’s also created in such a way we can continue to expand on prophecies in the future as well.

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Yes, Item Factions will be available in offline play - though as you mentioned joining Merchant’s Guild offline wouldn’t be very advantageous.


What’s the reasoning behind making items bought through the MG untradable? It’s kind of lame that a super expensive item I buy has ZERO market value once purchased.

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Is it possible to see what rank and which faction another player is?

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so you wanted that item for yourself or flip it lol ? :smiley:


You’re buying items to use, not sell.


To prevent item flipping, market manipulation, monopolies, and prevent progressing just by sitting in town (in combination with Favor requirements); We want the main way to progress in Last Epoch to be getting out there and killing enemies.


Good question! I would like to be able to see that as well.

Not rank, but the player’s faction is shown as an icon next to their name above their heads.


Thank you sir!

the whole system is much more than I’d expected. I see the nice UI and see how much effort and thoght has been put into this faction feature. Thanks a lot for your hard work! Hope the 1.0 release will go smooth.

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So glad they are trying make both camps happy. COF for me sounds way more fun though.


Those are all good reasons. My perspective is if I invest a lot of time and gold into a character, I should be able to get some gold back in the market to reinvest in a new character.

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Well done, guys. Looks fantastic! I backed you guys on Kickstarter, but really haven’t played very much, but will be when 1.0 launches. Looking forward to these changes and the future of Last Epoch.

I would have liked to have seen very rare affix shards (like level of skele mages) also to have been tradable, but I am likely in the minority there. Otherwise, it looks very interesting!

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Thank you very much for this, guys.
CoF looks fuckin’ sick.

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still can be traded as an item with such an affix