Trade & Item Factions

Doesn’t even need to be THAT high, people will reroll multiple times to get a big multiplier, so even at 1 echo worth of currency it is a big deal

I would not want multiple rerolls per echo.

Because then optimal play would become rerolling multiple echoes in a row multiple times just to get the most benefit out of them.
I dislike when optimal play means minutes of preperation before even going to attempt a challenge.
The MoF system already is very straight forward and does allow to immediate jump into action with not that much though, except choosing the most desired rewards.
Making that turn into a game of rerolling constantly jsut to get the most benefit would be somethign I don’t want.

I rather want this to be a once per echo with a high price so you can get rid of really undesired modifiers.

you underestimate just how easy it is to go through money when rerolling. Even at half an echo that is just 2 rerolls, and that means that the big multipliers(10 rerolls) would cost 5 echos. People are not going to be able to reroll for entire minutes.

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I know, but while providing new gold sinks I still doN’t want certain other things to make their way into the game.

While I suggested this re-rolling I don’t want it to be used too extensively, even if that means it serves a little bit less as a gold sink.

You still miss what I am saying, I am saying that if someone spammed rerolls to get perfect rolls they would still go through millions of gold in less than a minute if it is based on the gold gained in half an echo. The scenario you described where people reroll the echo over and over for minutes to get perfect rolls would not happen often and even when it does occur it will not last for long before running out of gold to sustain it.

At half an echo of gold that will be two rerolls that each take half a second after doing a whole 2-5 minutes of farming the echo to get the gold needed for rerolls. Only when the price is made as low as a tenth of an echo would your scenario become likely.

  1. Do you get any Favor back when you un-list an item?
    No. As you get reputation when you spend favor, when you list the item for sale, this would lead to a loop of list and un-list to farm reputation.

Couldn’t this be easily fixed by only getting the reputation when your item sells and you collect the gold?

Cycle prices will be rapidly changing for the first couple weeks of the cycle, meaning that the Dragonsong you listed for 50,000 gold might be worth 45,000 gold an hour after you list it, and even lower after that, meaning nobody will ever buy your item you’ll never get your gold/favor back.

Or at least, you could get an option to change the gold price of an item, without un-listing it.


My friend and me tend to play the campaign together and then split once we hit the endgame systems, does that mean we won’t be able to get any resonances past the campaign? Is being in a party enough to satisfy the “playing together” condition or do we actually have to be in the same zone, actively playing as a duo until we get resonances?

You need to be in the same zone for resonance to drop.

Just curious, why do you split up after the campaign?
Have you ever played Monolith together?

I really like the Host/Guest reward structure of Monolith. It makes playing together very rewarding

It’s just something we’ve always done in pretty much every other arpg after a while but to be fair, we have never tried playing Monoliths together properly.

I guess our thought process is that if both players make builds that are capable of soloing everything then there’s no real need to play in a party and it tends to feel inefficient.
We have done dedicated duo builds with a carry/support and they were loads of fun too but 9 times out of 10 we just do our own thing and share ressources, gear and crafting materials.
If group play feels good in the endgame even without a dedicated duo setup then we’ll probably have no issues getting enough resonances for our needs.

I just highly commend you to give it a try before judging it.

And if you end up keep doing the same as in other ARPG’s that is fair.

But I think it is doing a disfavor to a game if you make decisions upon “Yeah we kinda did it in all other games as well”. That is no real reason, because you can’t even judge how good or bad it is.

And since 0.9.0 the campaign MP experience was waaaaaay worse than the MoF experience. MoF for the most part is very smooth and on top of that the reward system is specifically tailored towards MP.

You commented on MP feeling inefficient. This is funny, because EHG specifically tried avoiding making MP too efficient.

The way they solved it, was by giving party play a specific reward system.

Every player has its own timeline and echo web.
The person starting the echo has the same reward structure as solo play reward is known in advance when choosing the echo
The guest joining the echo don’t know the rewards of the echo until they are finished. But when finishing the echo they get to choose between 2 rewards.

This denies optimal play scenarios were everybody farms their own timeline idependantly, except the good rewards and then party up to do all good rewards in quick succession.
While at the same time providing the guests more rewards on average.

Because the guest always chooses between 2 rewards the guest will have more rare rewards on average across longer playsessions. The rewards from the guests scale based on the echo the host chose. (Corruption & depth)

Of course, I’m well aware that I can’t apply the same logic to every other arpg, I was just saying that historically it’s been that way for us. I would be more than happy to try group play in the endgame and be positively surprised. We’re going to give it a fair shot before coming to any final conclusions.

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Man, where is the downvote button when you need it.

@EHG_Kain Hello and Thanks for your work all of your developer’s team, The Fanctions update is awesome but I think there is no fair difference between them. It seems to me that the awards for each rank in the Merchants Guild are not valuable enough in comparison with the Circle of Fortune, as I would like to focus more on group activity as opposed to solo faction and more about gold.

Here are approximate numbers, so if you like my ideas, then in general you can edit them as it will be more convenient for you or swap awards for ranks

Rank 1: Reduce the cost of buying from NPC traders and gamblers by 15% also increase your selling price for NPS and gamblers by 15%.
(It will be cool if it works on Soul Gambler)

Rank 2: Increase your experience gain by +7% and item rarity by 7% for each party member.
(So in the full party it takes you +21% bonus in total)

Rank 3: You takes 3 free stash tabs and increase Favor gain by 15%.

Rank 4: Increase Obsidian Resonance and Golden Resonance drop rate by 10% then you play solo.

Rank 5: Increace keys drop rate and Rune of Ascendance for each party member by +3%.
(So in the full party it takes you +9% bonus in total)

Rank 6: Increase Idols drop rate and increase their quality by 4% for each party member.
(So in the full party it takes you +12% bonus in total)

Rank 7: Increase your pick up radius items and gold on ground and you now see Lost caches much further.
(Don’t know what the numbers here should be and maybe it will depend on party member’s numbers like other rewards here)

Rank 8: Increase rewards from Dungeon, Arena and Echo for each party member by +5%.
(So in the full party it takes you +15% bonus in total)

Rank 9: Increase your gold rate by 30%.

Rank 10: Your Rune of Creation now left 1-5 Forging Potential depending on total FP on item when you use a Rune.
(Need to make a function to not use Rune of creation on items with more than 5 Forge Potential or forbid to use it again on items that are already done or on copy)
Example: If you have a Helmet with 46 Forge Potential and use Rune of Creation it leaves your item with 4-5 FP and if you use Rune of Creation on a Helmet that has 13 Forge Potential it leaves your item with 1-2 FP
Or just make for Rune of Creation left item always on 1 FP and left hope on Gods of Random

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But resonances can’t drop when playing solo.

My problem with this is that it’s encroaching on the theme of the CoF. CoF is the RNG/MF faction yet you’d be giving MG some additional MF? Same with the drop rate increases.

I do like the pickup radius increase though.

I agree that the MG rank rewards currently feel a bit uninspiring, but I’d be very weary of either “buffing” them (since the CoF rank rewards are part of the bonus for going that faction, in addition to the prophecies, while the MG can buy items which is phenomenally powerful, assuming there’s enough people selling) or adding rank bonuses that are similar to the ones that CoF has, even thematically.

It’s a very difficult one to do.

I am really sorry, but I absolutely hate your suggestion. This would pressure MG into the “group play faction”

The whole theme of Solo vs Group play does not really apply to either of these factions.

Both factions can be played in a party. CoF is not the “Solo Faction” and Merchant Guild is not the “Group Faction”.

Trading has nothing to do with playing in a group or not.


I just found the post very bold to give us an entire rewards system on the comments section of a forum post. Lol.

But also I agree with your points.

Was that written by an AI, or was it a very dodgy translation?

Nawh that’s me man. I just talk real dumb.

Your third sentence was fine, I’m just so confused by the first one.

I just think that it was… bold, of him to decide he needed to come up with an alternate rewards system and post it here like it was definitely what the game needed, instead of what was already in place.