Trade & Item Factions

Ugh, Merchant’s Guild is everything I wanted it to be. This is great. I’ve so exhausted by other games giving such a middle finger to convenient trade.

Even though I won’t be using it at all, I also really appreciate the effort level that went into a thematic UI for Circle of Fortune stuff. It looks awesome.

Basically as you mentioned - The time required to play directly alongside another player to get a resonance would make this a sub-optimal route.

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Ok, just started watching that video at the beginning and I have to say I’m loving the look. It really looks nice.

EDIT: Question; How many “events” are there going to be? I’m hoping enough that it won’t be the same 4-5 just cycled through.
@EHG_Kain any idea on this?

Merchant’s Guild
Looks like a Ponzi Scheme that requires a constant stream of newbies to work.
Moreover, it will feed databases with useless items, over and over, until the server bill explodes and puts down the company.
Finally, search’n’buy destroys the whole purpose of loot hunting.
ARPG !== Amazon .com RPG
Diablo 3 learnt its lesson the hard way.

Circle of Fortune
I like the concept of prophecies.
Lenses seem a fun addition.
What I don’t like is the “double everything” orientation.
It lacks creativity and feels a little bit lazy from the devs.
Excepted “the whole set drops”, which is kind of fun.
Fun additions are those who cleverly break the rules.

If you can list unlimited items as an MG member and they’re not in your inventory/stash when listed, doesn’t this give MG members essentially unlimited stash space (in a more convoluted way of course)?
You can just list all items for an absurdly high price so they’ll never be bought (or if they are, you got enough gold for it to not care) and then unlist them whenever you want to use them.

Aside from that I really like it :slight_smile:

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You’d need to farm the favor cost of listing each item.

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Damn, it’s almost like you guys put some thought into this :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Awesome stuff!

2 questions :

  1. With the merchant’s guild, when you sell an item, do you get the favor that the buyer put towards it?

  2. If you initiate a trade not using the trade board (IE: 1 on 1 in person) do you still use favor in this case?

Speaking only for myself. I cannot WAIT to explore all of this. A lot of thought. A lot of debate. A lot of hard work went into all of this, obviously, and it looks amazing.

Feb 21st. Where you at?

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  1. No, the Favor is paid to the Merchant’s Guild, basically like a listing fee.
  2. Yes, you still pay the same Favor for a player-to-player trade, and still need the appropriate ranks to trade that item.
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But in the video you show how we can buy items from CoF gamble vendor. Don’t we spend our reputation then?

You spend Favor, not Reputation.

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Well, then I guess I’ll say good bye now… :wave:t2: I suppose all things must come to an end.

CoF is the Way.


February cannot come fast enough

Zero interest in MG, but CoF looks fantastic and I’ll be joining and remaining with them forever.


Is this feature available for offline players? MG will be useless there but the extra drops from the other factions is very nice.

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Looks great. Can’t wait!

Absolutely amazing! Fantastic! The CoF ranks are great! I can hardly contain my excitement over this


If we count them using specificity (each type of enemy killed that can trigger a prophecy): A lot, I don’t know the exact number off the top of my head. It’s also created in such a way we can continue to expand on prophecies in the future as well.

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Yes, Item Factions will be available in offline play - though as you mentioned joining Merchant’s Guild offline wouldn’t be very advantageous.