Trade development update - Introducing merchants guild and circle of fortune factions

The antivaxxer way lol. I don’t want Moderner Guild or Circle of Pfizer!!

I hope nobody feels offended by this joke. If so I’ll take it down.

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Can a MG party with a CoF? Will the CoF affect the party drop rates?

If they can’t party, wouldn’t that just be dividing the playerbase?

Seeing some super powerful “guilds” here just from abuse of friend trading system

Some of these details are still subject to change as they are tested and we receive feedback on them.

Favour costs are primarily balanced around what tier of item it is. So a unique item with 3LP will have a higher favour cost than a magic item.

We pretty intentionally left off specifics of what each prophecy does. I think you’re thinking about the right sort of thing but not likely to be able to say “I want this specific item with these specific stats dropped from this specific person”. More along the lines of things similar to “the next unique that drops is guaranteed to have LP” or something kinda like that ish.

As for Bazaar search/sort, it will be very powerful and very low friction.


The gifting system is unchanged at its core so you can still gift CoF tagged items and they retain the CoF tag.

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None of this will be included in 0.9 at all. Gifting only in 0.9.

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There is no such thing as party drop rates so it is unaffected.

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As always and by precedent, the development team of EHG is always on their toes, always listening and always willing to try things.

Hats off to the dev team. Looking forward to seeing how this matures. Team CoF for the win. :smiley:


It’s been a while since I posted :slight_smile:

So… first off I am super excited for this future patch and I’d like to say good job on this amazing idea. Initially I was like I want trade but after seeing the benefits of CoF I might actually go with that instead lol.

That said is this going to be a online only thing or will we be able to get CoF on the offline mode? I’d love to see it offline :slight_smile:


Welcome back! Yea, 4 years is a while eh?

The current plan is to include this in offline too.


Oh I’m active on Discord just not on the forum and yea thanks for the swift response. Looking forward to CoF offline >:

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Just wanted to take 2 min to say that the team à EHG did a stellar job of listening to their community, and find a solution that would satisfy what looked to be 2 irreconcilable opinions. I’m honestly impressing in your solution. It shows how much LE is a work of love!


This is fantastic, I can’t wait to play with friends on full multiplayer release!

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EHG team, you are great! Looking forward to play online with my friends.

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I think the concept of factions is ingenious and a great way to deal with different player mentalities. BUT I am concerned that this new solution may not give us enough protection from bots. 1% of the player population can completely ruin the economy.

And your drops will be marked CoF.

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Honestly I couldn’t be more impressed. This was a huge issue for me and everyone I know from PoE that was considering trying LE on multiplayer release but got all the wind taken out of their sails with the gifting announcement. This looks to fix all the problems of everyone’s gripes, and it looks to offer something to people who want to trade. This is the best of both worlds. THANK YOU for proving everyone wrong who believed that any game with trade just has to devolve into PoE and TFT. This is a really, really great sign for the future of the game.

The fact that you guys are willing to look at decades old mechanics that people have come to enjoy but find problems with and try to fix them is like one of the most amazing things I could have hoped for.

  • Items found from monster drops while representing MG can be freely gifted and used like normal and do not have a Faction Requirement.

So, if I want to play long term with CoF, I’m way better starting as MG and trading for a full set of op gear (like build enabling uniques or uniques with high lp) and then switch to CoF to farm with a character that was geared with trading.

Still have the problem of the game being group oriented like d3, were groups have a massive advantage.

Hopefully we end up getting an account wide solo self found mode, like PoE.

No, the gear you trade for as MG will not be usable when you switch to CoF. If you plan to play CoF long term, it is best to start, and stay as, CoF.


well u guys managed to find the perfect solution, cant w8 for release :smiley:

one more thing about Resonances, as they are a concern for me. (playing with someone for a sepecific period of time just to give, rmts an item, even if players are complete strangers before.)

my idea is, i don’t know if it’s even technically doable, So every item has a date drop, the same for Resonances and you can only give items to a friend by using resonances which have drop date newer than resonance date creation.