Toxic Meltdown: An Aura of Decay Lich Guide. [Updates on hold, please read most recent edit/post!]

Soul Feast isn’t bad, but it doesn’t synergize that well with this Aura of Decay playstyle, at least in my opinion.

Also, welcome to the forums!

Ty man!

I think you should focus a bit more on the “leveling” zone of the build. AoD is pretty much unusuable just when you unlock it…

I’m planning on reviewing the leveling process of many of my builds after 0.7.7 comes out, so it would probably happen following that patch. I agree that my guide is currently lacking such, and I agree switching to AoD right away is suicide.

So the real problem is that following your guide, you will put AoD asap. It may work, even cause you have to level it to be effective, but feel a lil weird. You need actually a lot of good item to be able to run AoD without spamming pots or toggling it ON/OFF every two sec.

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Do you ever feel like you have some problem with mana? spamming Wandering spirits drains more mana than the regen, actually…

And what do you mean with “flat health regen prefix”? I found none of those, actually…

The flat health regen mod is called “blessed” and can only spawn on gloves, helmets, and chestpieces, so keep an eye out for it. Also, I never really have that many mana issues, honestly. Really AoD is enough damage in most circumstances, so if you’re having mana issues, just try to be a bit more conservative with when you use wandering spirits.

Dropped none till now. Nice.
I think that I have way too low health regen right now. Sitting at 54 and I’m level 60. Pretty sad.

from what i saw, it’s real hard to survive without a lot of ward, is there a way to utilize ward with this build?? or do we have to rely on health leech? (if they let u leech ward with aod… it’d be totally awesome)

It is rather difficult to utilize ward with this build as your self-degen and natural ward degen will make your effective idle ward pool take a huge hit.

From the looks of it, we will have some new regen/DoT tools next patch, so it may become easier to survive with those! I will be testing the new skills immediately on release and will discuss their potential with my next guide update.

EDIT: 0.7.7 is out and I am still testing the effectiveness of the new Drain Life skill. However, AoD seems to be suffering from a very odd bug right now, so further tests are postponed!

What odd bug?

AoD seems to be applying more stacks on enemies than it should be. Dev tested it and it applied 82 stacks on a Wengari Brute in a second.

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Yeah, definitely op atm. My AOD Lich melts enemies so fast I cannot even apply Mark For Death in time. :woozy_face:

Really seems to be doing normal damage for me when I been using it. So I guess it been fixed or it one of the nodes I haven’t got that making it do crazy damage.

So only issue I have with this build is wandering spirits. Every time I use it my character lags, latency does not seem affected. Until I figure out the issue is there another skill you would recommend in its place?

Admittedly Wandering Spirits are a large part of this build’s damage. If you didn’t want to run it, then maybe rip blood with poison chance could help.

Quick question as to why you choose not to run drain life? Is wandering spirits just that much better? So far I’ve had a pretty good time running drain life and helps to keep AoD manageable at early-mid levels because the life drain on drain life is so huge.

Eventually your sustain through leech will be so significant that Drain Life will not have a major impact. It is also important to realize that channeling removes one of the biggest strengths of AoD, which is that you are always on the move.

I think it has something to do with the 8% stacking increase at the start of the skill tree.
I went the other route first and the skill felt sub-par, barely keeping up with Rip Blood. But the moment I took 1 point in that Skill Passive, the damage went through the roof.

AoD is fixed now, so I will begin working on the update!

EDIT: Nevermind. The bug still exists, build update back on hold

EDIT 2: Fixed again, so will look into updating the guide!

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I have a build of my own that uses ward, opting for 4 stacks of armor shred on myself with aura of decay 100% fear chance, and drain life converted into health drain, and damage converted into poison, cast while moving, grasp of damn, and +1 to beam, using exangus, stacking spell damage, as spell damage is applied to drain life at an added 300% effectiveness :slight_smile: