Totem Tempest strike

I think Totemized Tempest Strike needs to add one or more nodes to strengthen it.

There should be at least one node that can summon three each type totems at once,
instead of needing to click Tempest Strike 3 times to summon 3 totems.
Just like the Thorn Totem, a maximum number of totems can be summoned at one time.
This way ,I can summon Storm Totem with one click, Thorns Totem with one click, and Tempeststrike Totem with one click.
The current situation is that I need to press the keyboard or mouse three times, and the totem I get does not have as much damage as either Storm Totem or Thorns Totem, and it feels very weak.

And as far as the current talents are concerned, the supporting talent points of Totemized Tempest Strike are too few, the damage is not high, the attack range is short, and the operation is complicated.

Please forgive me for using Google Translate above.

I don’t really understand the conversion either, I don’t mind pressing the skill 3 times but it does feel kind of weak overall and I’m having troubles understanding which nodes in the Tempest Strike tree actually carry over to the totem conversion.

For example, where does the damage from the melee hit go?
How does it work with all the nodes that mention a trigger on melee hit.
Why does it look like my totems are still ice when I removed all the tempest elements except for lightning?

It’s very confusing.

Edit: Someone on reddit highlighted a lot of issues with this skill and totems in general

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totally agree, I actually run a pretty fun lightning Shaman (it’s start to be really powerful, after I am in late campaign so,…) I use the bird of thunder, a staff version of gathering storm bolt (without mele and without gathering stack mecanic since I casr directly storm bolt with my staff), and a totem of tempest version of temperst strike. And It’s a fun lightning shaman, very powerfull till now, but It’s horrible to find some node. I don’t know how they worked to create the Shaman, it’s like they chew and spit and chew and spit, etc… Nothing work together. Just by taking the staff node I exclued myself from 80 % of the other node of the skill and all the other one related to stacking gathering storm to proc the bolt. And same with the tempest totem, congralutation you just close the path of 80 % of your skill tree on tempset strike. I tried and yep every node related to the melee of tempest strike will not work because your totem of tempset don’tdo anymore melee attack. I have literaly no more exctiment when I gain a level in 2 of my 3 mains skill, there nothing to take… It’s a shame because my gameplay is fun and with all my spell damage it’s work well. I am a full distant Shaman spell caster and I like it!!! I hope one day they will do something with the Shaman and chose where they want to go ( I watch you fire earthquake… one Fire skill on our Cold, Lightning, Physic class who wil synergize with nothing, hmm hmm - But i like the concept of fire/earth bundle like volcano , just maybe build a little more arround it ).

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