Totem Shaman Build...Now more Shamantastic!

there 2 of crows not one so you get aroun 30-35 stacks after 8 seconds on a storm totem. The logic is it applies buff to the totem nearest to you. If they started buffing Storm Totem they will keep buffing it unless you move too far from it and the crows follow you. So if you first summon Storm Totem they will buff it until it expires.
They can’t buff you , only totems because of Arborist node.

Thank you, I think I need to change my game style rather than spawning the Storm Totem too far away!

Hopefully last question - is there a way for me to see the buffs/number of stacks on the Storm Totem?

Side note - I have the Aborist Node but I can still manage to apply stacks to myself by casting EB numerous times next to me; I can get to around 30 stacks this way.

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