Torment's movement speed penalty

Could someone explain to me how is movement speed penalty from torment calculated? I have 41% movement speed that can be increased to 104% with haste, however when I’m affected by torment via Wheel of Torment my movement speed with haste is reduced to merely 67%. How is this supposed to be 18%? Should this debuff really be this strong?

The -18% applies to the base speed, before the multipliers.
So you have 41% base speed, which is multiplied to 104%. If you have torment, you now have 23% base speed, which is multiplied by haste to 67%.

Still my haste adds approximately 63% then I should have around 86%.

41 to 104 is approximately x2.5. 23 x2.5 would be approx. 57.5. So you probably have other sources that affect this.
I don’t know the exact formula being applied to your character. This was just to explain that the movement speed reduction would apply to the base value before multipliers, so it’s quite possible that an 18% reduction can reduce a lot more than 18% after them.

There is no reason to believe something might be off with that formula.

Ok I figured it out. You were correct, just messed up numbers. Torment indeed apply to base movement speed which is equal 1 or 100 for sake of simplicity. Having 104% movement speed from buffs and items means our character moves with 204% of base speed. Torment reduces base movement speed value to 82 and it gives me 82 + 104% = 167%. This IU can be confusing sometimes.

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