Too Much Gear

Quality > Quantity
simple as that.
OP means, that there is no need to copy the droprate of POE which means too much bs items, no one would ever pick up. it feels like searching a needle in a pile of trash. and when you finally found it, it is not even a real upgrade, just 2 more points of Armor. it just doesnt feel rewarding to get dumbed with trash. thats what i dislike in POE and LE does the same thing. uncool.

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I can sympathize with this. I filter out nearly everything that drops and still leave pretty much everything else on the ground as it isn’t worth selling and gold doesn’t have much use aside from the gambler but only in specific cases.

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Welcome to the community and game @Alfganzo , @Dofus does have a good point. It is simple from there but I would recommend checking out @Heavy 's guide to get started plus there are a good amount of filters you can copy to get started with.

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This is no answer to my question:

all of them and therefore reduce the overall amount of items, that are dropping. right now every single mob drops something. let there be fewer need of setting up filters. Just don’t copy the POE amount. Most of us want to slay mobs, and not think about if an item is worth picking it up every few seconds.

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