Tombs of the Erased Twitch Drop Campaign

Greetings Travelers,

With a new Last Epoch season comes a new round of Twitch Drops. Season 2 is no different - only there are more drops than before and we’ve got an all new “Support-A-Creator” campaign. So let’s dive right in.

Drops Campaign

Twitch Drops will be available for all streamers to activate and the campaign will run between April 2nd - 7th. We’re going to be doing drops a little differently this time. Instead of locking drops to specific days, all drops will be obtained via cumulative viewing time.

We’ve got 5 drops : 4 Skill Cosmetics and a Title. Shown off below.

To obtain these drops first head over to this site and link your Steam and Twitch accounts. Then tune into your favorite creator between April 2nd and 7th.

Completing one hour of viewing unlocks your first drop. Additional hours of viewing unlock additional drops.

Drop Schedule

1 Hour of Viewing - Holy Lightning Blast Skill Cosmetic for Lightning Blast


2 Hours of Viewing - Crimson Smite Skill Cosmetic for Smite


3 Hours of Viewing - Holy Shuriken Skill Cosmetic for Shuriken


5 Hours of Viewing - Woven Watcher Player Title


6 Hours of Viewing - Cerulean Rip Blood Skill Cosmetic for Rip Blood



Last Epoch wouldn’t be where it is today without the support of our content creator community. Their passion for the game and its community is apparent in every stream, video, and podcast. So we are pleased to launch Tombs of the Erased with our first ever Support-A-Creator Campaign.

When you subscribe or gift a sub to your favorite Streamer, you’ll get an exclusive Skill Cosmetic, Corrupted Maelstrom, while directly supporting the creation of more content that you love.

Prime subs do not count towards this campaign.

Support-A-Creator - Corrupted Maelstrom Skill Cosmetic for Maelstrom


For Creators

Twitch Drops will be made available to all creators in the Last Epoch category. Creators must be eligible for subscriptions to qualify for the the Support-A-Creator campaign.


Do we get the Maelstrom Skin if we use a Prime Sub ?

Twitch Prime Subs do not count. I’ll amend the post to include this information.


Thx for the quick answer

Will it be possible to buy Corrupted Maelstrom cosmetic in the future?

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I would rather buy skills’ effects than use twitch sub to make them even more fomo.


At this time, there are no plans to do so.

While I agree I’d like to see these come to the store eventually and not just get tied to Twitch Drops forever, not a huge fan of FOMO. But this is sweet, can’t wait to get skill cosmetics!!!


So is it only one sub for the maelstrom? or a certain amount?

One new sub. It can be gifted.

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Will subs to EHG official stream count or not?

If I can offer my feedback.
I found it a bit unfair to have one skill cosmetic locked behind a pay wall/sub. Having the title would have seemed fairer. That way every class could have at least one skin mtx

Is it unfair? Or is it simply great that they’re giving you skill MTX in the first place? After all, I assume there will be a lot more skill MTX in season 2 that you will have to pay for. Most of them will be locked behind a paywall. Is that unfair as well?

After all, they could have simply made the twitch drops be random gear MTX like in the past, or a pet.

I understand it happening.

I dislike it too. But it’s at least no big deal.

And obviously it’s unfair, cause it’s not available to everyone in an equivalent manner, which most things aren’t as a disclaimer though. If I’m on vacation during that time? Gone. If I have debts to pay off and can’t afford it while it’s available? Gone. If I have no internet access during that time? Gone.

But it’s also normalized and expected, I would nonetheless love to see any form of limited access digital good to be a thing of the past. Artificial scarcity of digital products is a menace in my eyes.

That is the case with most online things. Are you having issues and can’t play the latest PoE league? You don’t interact with that mechanic because it’s not being moved to core, or is being moved in a watered down way.
Do you have a bad connection and can’t really play online? You can’t even use any MTX in LE. Or even play PoE or D4 at all.
Did your PC get fried and you can’t afford a new one? Now you can’t play any games at all.
Is that unfair? Should game devs have to work around that possibility?

This is obviously a more extreme example, and I do understand your point, but a big reason why these items are valued by players is exclusivity. Bragging rights.

Also, the OP didn’t think it’s unfair to have an MTX locked behind a sub. He thinks it’s unfair that the paid one is a skill MTX rather than a player title. He wouldn’t think it would be unfair if it was the other way around (that was his exact suggestion).
But there might be plenty of players that dislike acolyte and don’t want to have a rip blood MTX and would rather have a player title instead.

Also, and this is an important point, in my opinion: this is meant to support streamers. It’s a bonus for players that want to actively support a streamer of their choice. So the item should have some value. Otherwise it achieves nothing.

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For bragging rights you should need to actually earn the right to brag.

Hence why I’m not against competition rewards… but I’m against ‘here, look, I got a bigger wallet’ rewards in general. I understand that they exist, and I accept them in general. Just a overall wish they wouldn’t exist.

But that is all MTX. If a game is selling MTX, the ones with the bigger wallets are the ones that have them. And have more of them.
And if a game doesn’t have MTX, then they can’t support a live service model.

Anyway, as I mentioned, the point of that is to support streamers. LE doesn’t make money from that. It goes to the streamer. Which I think is a nice thing to do, given that streamers bring a lot of players (and therefore money) to the game.

And I say this despite the fact that I haven’t had a twitch account at all until a year ago and that I have never once collected a twitch drop so far. Nor have I felt the need to or that I would miss out because of it.

That I’m not on the same page with actually.

I buy an MTX when I enjoy how it looks, not to show it off to others. I have to stare at the character for however long I play it after all, so I better make sure I like what I see when I do.

After all… how many people buy a skill MTX to show it off to other people? The majority who pays for them doesn’t even play with other people in the first place.

In PoE? I’d say quite a few. Not as the primary objective, but certainly a big consideration. They show it off in towns. That’s why you tend to see apparition MTX a lot while in town but rarely when you trade with someone.

So there are plenty of people that buy an MTX because they enjoy how it looks as well as to show it off to others.

Much like there are plenty of people that don’t care about MTX at all and don’t use them even if they’re gifted one.

That’s because Apparitions need a while to trigger after standing still or changing zones.

And in towns people stand around like little Timmy in front of the school when his drunk mother forgot to pick up the poor boy, enough time for the apparition to appear :stuck_out_tongue: