Time invested to reward gained

Comments like that are not valuable. I am expressing my opinion. You may not agree with it and that’s fine. This is a beta and I think all opinions are useful to the people who make the game. I do agree on the uniques however some of them are very good. Are they worth the time investment? That’s up to the individual to decide. My opinion is just that but I’m sure I’m not the only one who feels this way.

And a fourth thing: the players’ personal skills. Take my heroes, give them to Heavy for example, he sure will push further than me.

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Neither is being closed minded in a discussion thread. Part of your struggle is clearly a lack of knowledge on how to optimize your farming experience. But, at the end of the day, if all you want to do is tell others why a certain process sucks is and is worthless, that IS your right.

So take it right to the wall eh? I said I found a process not useful to me for the time put in. That is what the thread is about no? Nowhere did I say it sucks or is worthless. Disagree with me all you like that’s a good thing. Please refrain from attacking the individual when they disagree with you. FYI I have 23 stash tabs full of stuff for crafting and I am not in any way “struggling”. In any event I’m done here.

I’m not attacking you. I don’t even know you. I’m addressing your narrow-minded view that the 4 monoliths that do not give a statistical power buff to the player character are a “waste of time”. Some of the best loot in the game is on those 4 bosses. Dammitt has put together an amazing Build Planner and Item Database. Perhaps before posting again about the MoF system you should check out what is attainable from each of the levels. If you still want to hold them out as worthless, then we can simply agree to disagree.

There are 5 meta-blessing timelines though.

Fair enough and I did agree with you on the uniques part which drop from the bosses. You need to refrain from attacking the individual. Using words like “narrow-minded” etc. are exactly that: Attacks on the individual. Notice how I am not choosing to categorize you? I believe we want to be as welcoming to new players as we possibly can and some of them are going to present some pretty off-the -wall ideas just based on their lack of knowledge of the game.

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The problem with that is that it’s a subjective statement. You don’t think it’s wasted because you are happy making some progress on getting closer to another chance at a blessing, or better gear, apparently Evok (& others) doesn’t see it like that. And they aren’t wrong for them.


I was addressing the 4 which do not: Fall of the Outcasts, Stolen Lance, Blood Frost and Death and The Last Ruin. My point to Evok was that there’s more to a Monolith than the blessing at the end. My best character right now is based on the Stolen Lance set bonus and the “hot” item for a lot of new builds based around Rogues and Warpath is the Wings of Argentus.

I know exactly what you are talking about, and i say it again, there are 5 of those timelines^^

Does subjectivity serve as a catch-all protection? If I have the opinion that religion is a waste of time, there’s literally nothing you could teach me about religion that would make my opinion “wrong”.

Yeah, sorry I forgot Fall of the Empire in my list. I wasn’t really worried about the number, so much as the concept.

That’s fine. I know that the exact numbers is not important for the core of the discussion, but if you throw around specific numbers, you should try to get the facts straight^^.

I just wanted to tease you, because you were mean to @Evok.

I just can’t stand some of the aggressive/borderline toxic behavior that i see in the forums lately. :smiling_imp:

shrugs That’s entirely up to you, but when people state subjective things (“so it’s never time wasted”) as objective fact, that gets my goat.

Understood. I don’t want to belabor this much further because its not in response to OP’s general issues, but to @Heavy’s point about aggressive/toxic behavior, I feel like there’s a lot of posts these days that speak from subjectivity, but also from an uninformed baseline. When I read generalized statements like “waste of time”, I have the same reaction you do to subjective comments. All of this is on top of my just wanting to respond, “Well, if it’s a waste of time, do something else”, which should be self-evident. The likelihood of any activity being a waste of time for the majority or a statistically significant portion of the player base is questionable as an opening position.

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Hi, that’s me xD

I probably worded some of my posts bit poorly >.<

I can see that some progress might be waste of time for others.
But i genuienly never felt this way in LE.

I’ve applied a mild restriction to repeated posting in this thread as things have felt a little more heated than necessary. Nobody has been warned or suspended & no posts have been deleted.

This is a pretty common criticism about what Heavy referred to as the “meta” blessings. To add to the point, I almost always skip the left half of the Mono, which are all meta blessings. It seems too inefficient to bother with right now. However, this may not always be the case, and the most recent patch brought us a little bit closer to the farming blessings being worthwhile. For example, the exalted affixes were significantly buffed this patch to the point where getting a tier 7 of the right affix on the right drop can add a substantial amount of power. There are certain builds now where it might even be worth picking up a blessing that increases the drop rate of an item, just to get a higher chance of an exalted version of that item. It’s still a pretty niche thing right now, but as the game increases in depth, and itemization follows, I can see a point where those farming blessings become worth the effort.

I’m with @Evok here!

The “meta” blessings are boring. It was absolutely underwhelming to spend hours to fight through a timeline for the first time, beating the boss on the 3rd try and get… tada… increased idol drop rate? I was like “WTF, are they kidding!!!”

Yes, boss specific loot is nice, but only if you can use it on your build.

So there are timelines that everybody will do always on every char because of the character power blessings. The meta blessing timelines will only be interesting for the loot for specific builds.

This leaves some timelines not being of any use for certain builds.

The argument for “shield drop rate” being a super important buff for shield users is a bit far-fetched, imho. To me it doesn’t feel like the drop rate stuff is very impactful.

Having that is just a bit better than having nothing. And just having something instead of nothing is not automatically interesting.

I get when people feel like getting something I did not want isn’t actually an improvement or progression.

Also, I’m thankful for tunks and dammitts sources of information. But I think the game should provide some information that currently only is accessible on these sides. Why do I have to look up information about availible blessings on an external website?

There are two ways to improve this:

  • Show possible blessings if eachbtimeline ingame
  • get rid of the boring blessings and exchange them with interesting ones so nobody gets disappointed after beating a timeline

What I really don’t get sometimes on this forum is why sometimes people get beef after just making a polite statement of their opinion while others that create absolute unpolitely shit posts are treated nicely. (Btw, this is also just a personal impression :wink:)

Cheers you noobs. And L2P!!

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Before creating this topic I hadn’t played in a few days, and since creating it I have really tried to give it a shot. But after mentioning my experience above of having a 6 hour session with no improvement, and the thing I am about to mention, I am done for now. Which sucks, because I enjoy the actual gameplay, but I don’t enjoy the design behind a lot of the systems and regularly feeling frustrated and punished by them. Of course I will still follow updates and want to play again in the future.

I’m beginning to think you are a bit of a masochist :wink: But seriously, gearing and new items should be exciting, and to me they feel like another long chore. Changing one item often means reshuffling most if not all of your items, due to defence changes. Finding pieces for every slot, spending a long time figuring out how they fit together and then finally getting around to the craft only to have each one fracture at a point that it is at most a sidegrade. But even a sidegrade isn’t useful because it probably doesn’t have the same stats as before so you need to sidegrade other pieces too.

I’m not going to bother doing the actual number crunching of fracture chance over a whole item (each click at different %) but it is far too high. If you are trying to get a high tier item you are pressing craft on ~75% chance multiple times per item, that is 1/4 times it will at least minor fracture. It’s practically guaranteed before it gets high tier, let alone the fact that it removes tiers of affixes if it’s worse than minor.

I actually dislike this system so much now after experiencing it for some time. It’s a perfect example of something that is good on paper and in concept but in practice is terrible.

Anyway, here I have a T6 elemental resist and decide to make a T5 Hail of Arrow craft. This is going to be a very powerful item for my level 70 MM to push through the rest of the monoliths. But of course, when trying to upgrade it further, not only does it fracture but it damaging my T5 Hail to T3. This just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth and it turns an elated and excited moment into misery and is a horrible player experience. I respect if people disagree but if this is the intended player experience of this system and this game well…it definitely isn’t for me.