Updated Tier List for 1.1

Thank you for your great work!
I’d really love to see more tests with 1.1, when the builds got updated by their respective builders.

Keep it up!

Here’s the old tier list from 1.0 if anyone still wants to look at it: DrummerBoy’s Subjective Last Epoch Tier List - Google Docs

The list looking better now.

Just noticed Static Orb Sorc the most broken build in the game isn’t on there. They can probably do 1-2sec on the kill. Seeing Sorc with 3k+ mana now just 1 shot everything. Also seeing them pushing 3k+ corruption.

Static orb can hit for 20mil+ and then you have all those other hits as well. Their damage is beyond insane and they are also immortal.

This guy breaks down the 40 million dps here, his tool tip for Static orb actually says 40mil lol.

Also pushing 3.7k corruption here

1st of all it’s not most broken build at all. and this build is not immortal lmao. its glass cannon.

The mana-stacking meteor build uses static orb for single-target, so I do technically have a static orb build on my tierlists. I’ll check out this build too, it looks interesting.

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Big update! I finally finished the survivability tier list. It was a lot of work, but it took as long just to figure out a good way to test survivability that doesn’t favor one build over another too much. I got pretty good at editing save files in VS code at least.


You should at least test a minion zoo build. Mine can just kill t4 julra before her first channel on a good run. I have very good but no where near theoretical max gear. I will test my 100-67 on the dummy when i get home.

Awesome, thanks for the effort.
Now, the icing on the cake would be a ranking of how difficult the required gear is to acquire for CoF players. Or how well the build performs with the required but otherwise mediocre gear.

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To keep things fair, almost all of the builds were tested with the same rarity of gear. This means a build that’s high on a tier list needs less gear to perform at the level of a build that’s lower on the list.

I’d like to test builds with more average gear, but it took long enough just to test each build once. I think we’re just going to have to assume the ranking won’t change much if all builds have equally worse gear.

Send me a planner for your minion zoo build. All of the builds the community has recommended to me have been great so far. I also have a few more builds lined up to test, so expect the tier lists to keep growing.

The secret of this build is to focus on crit, it scales way better than fire or cold etc. I deliberately avoided bugged stuff like summon zombie belts (which push the DPS and ward way higher). I play zombies on key lock. if you want to push the buttons yourself probably go to summon 5 every 10 seconds.


Alright I finished the testing I’d planned to do. I added a spreadsheet to the document, and in my discord I uploaded a Tableau workbook visualizing my testing data.

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