Thoughts On Corruption & Improving It

While I do enjoy the new system it does feel a little clunky to navigate it. The mechanic is basically like Diablo 3’s Torment difficult system where things get more difficult in order to get high chance for good items.

This system is fine but the way it can be utilized by the player is very unwieldy.

I don’t mind it being something that’s unlocked by killing Shade of Orobyss but after that it could probably be better.

I already have farm for perfect idol rolls so please just let me adjust the corruption to however much I can handle just like I can bump up the difficulty in other games by going to the settings. I’m a big boy so I’m fine if my face is smashed in if I up it too much.

TL;DR: Suggestion: Unlock corruption system after killing a Shade of Orobyss. Adjust the system as a difficulty system for more rewards as you please.

I like the idea of corruption forcing the rolls on an item to be better the higher corruption your monolith is when it drops (in that monolith).

Assuming that was what you meant.

That’s basically what it seems to be already or at least for the item drops for while you’re in the level. I’m pretty sure it also affects your bounty chest and reward as well but I think someone’s already tested it. I’ll have to look it up.

I’m mainly suggesting that corruption should be adjusted as the player wants it rather than being so clunky like it is right now.

It shouldn’t be affecting the rewards in the Echo of a World, since (historically) the monolith MF % only affects drops within that monolith & the Echo of a World isn’t (which is why its area level is your character level, not the level of the monolith).

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