This is unacceptable

And I don’t know who you are, I’m just trying to help you in any way possible. You already know I can’t create you a character, but you should already know also that opening a service ticket is probably the best way to address this with the folks that can help you.

That’s why I said at the very beginning of my response “I’m sorry if you said this above, I might have missed it” and then asked the question. It’s simple to just ignore it or respond yes if you did. If you don’t want advice that can help you then just ignore it, no reason to get snarky about it.

Relax, I’m not hostile. I’m here to get help.
In my post, I indicated the links where I went for help. I like this game and that’s why I go to the end, and don’t give up


I was just editing my post stating that if I misread that I apologize. Thanks for clarifying. :sunglasses:

I have drawn your attention to my problem, you are answering me here, all that remains is to get a new character to your account :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Какая ещё информация нужна от меня чтобы поиграть на новом персонаже?
What other information do you need from me to play the new character?

You got it! I’ll create it and let you know how it plays! :laughing:


I still deleted the necromancer 93 lvl, and miraculously it worked. True, now I don’t have a necromancer, but I do have a paladin.
Could you restore it for me?

Glad you were able to create a new character! :sunglasses:

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