This game is dead

Depends on the game genre and also on the player.

I still play GD. Heck, I still play PD2 which uses D2 LoD (not resurrected) graphics.

That is undisputable.

That is less so. Not that it wouldn’t be better, but that there’s a balance. If they had focused on graphics over gameplay, we’d have less than half the systems we currently have, because graphics is what takes most of the programming time for games.

So there is a line for each person where graphics are “good enough” and game mechanics start to matter more. Each person has their own tolerance for this (some people like pixel art games, others require better produced graphics).

But you could have the best graphics in the world and if the game wasn’t good you wouldn’t play it.
Whereas you can have acceptable graphics (again, personal threshold) and you’ll still play it if it has great gameplay.

Obviously if a game with great gameplay improves their graphics it will be a better game. But the effort required for this is usually too big and requires that you stop working on gameplay.

I think these have different levels of importance for different people. It’s not that LE, PoE or D4 is better or worse than one another, they just target different people.
There are some that like more than one, or even all of them, but the main target playerbase for each of the 3 games is different.

They certainly expanded on their systems, but D4, to me, as a “fatal flaw”, which is that their systems don’t overlap. What do I mean by this?

In PoE, you have dozens of different mechanics. You can choose a few of them or even focus on a single one that you like and you will be able to get everything in the game with it. So if you don’t like mechanic X, like Delve, you don’t ever have to do it.

In D4 you have a series of linear goals and do the related mechanic until it’s achieved:
-Want to level? Do mechanic X (currently Helltides, might change in the future again)
-Want to gear up? Do mechanic Y
-Want to level sigils? Do mechanic Z
You do one of them until you filled the checkbox and you move on to the next one. If you don’t like mechanic Y? Tough luck, you have no alternative to it and are forced to play it for hours on end.

The main thing is that not every game wants to be the most popular ever. Not every game wants to outsell everything else. Sometimes a studio just wants to do their own thing and create a unique product they’re proud of.
That’s the case with EHG. They set out to make the game they wanted to play and attracted a bunch of people that also shared the same preferences.

Obviously no one wants to lose money, but you don’t have to be GOTY to make enough money to justify making a labor of passion.

If volume and sales were all that mattered, the industry would basically just be P2W mobile games.

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Even that is not necessarily true - or depends on what we consider improvement.
Could be nicer, but adding so many lighting and particle effects that it actually becomes a worse experience as you lose visual clarity. So the upgrade is actually a downgrade.

I don’t stare in awe at pretty graphics most of the time in grindy games, I perceive the game almost from a peripheral view, only reacting to the most important visual input. Avoid red zones, target areas where there is movement, as that is where the enemies are.

Well, if we consider that the most sold game of all time is Minecraft, the whole argument falls anyway.


Minecraft is certainly one of the candidates on my list for the best game ever made.
The box full of lego bricks under the video games.


Mine craft and Roblox can be modded and some of the modded content is honestly of very high graphical fidelity.

Mine craft with Ray tracing is god tier. But Minecraft also has the added advantage of being a old game which released at the golden time slot (1/b) which allowed it to rocket to success similar to WoW and PoE.

Sometimes being at right place and right time is all you need. Sega and sonic is a great example. Some extent also Pokémon. As Pokémon was a rip of dragon quest

As a long time Pokémon fan (literally have owned one game of every generation since Gen 1), I’ve never heard this take and someone who’s played the original Dragon Quest, they’re not even remotely similar games.

If you said Final Fantasy Tactics was a rip of Tactics Ogre, I’d believe you in a heartbeat, but ima need a source on this, chief.


These devs just take far too long to do anything in this game.
The campaign is still an unfinished boring slog and it still has a worse end game than diablo3(three).
The load screens are still bugged, the game is a buggy mess in general.

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If the game were dead, there wouldn’t be numerous posts complaining about the game being dead. There just… wouldn’t be posts.

Clearly you care enough to post & engage with the game and the community, therefore clearly the game is still alive.

Not really, no. Anthem, that has been abandoned, still has new posts in its subreddit. Even at Concord’s Steam hub you still have posts, and you can’t be more dead than that.

The game isn’t dead. Why come here to spread negativity anyways?

Because he can on a public forum. Freedom of speech and what not. Look at the game objectively and tell me that there are no glaring issues that drive the game to the brink of death rather fast. I don’t say it’s dead yet and it would be a shame but I get people who say it’s dead because with the average player numbers noone can sustain the server costs or dev costs.

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Attention hungry, maybe? I don’t know. It seems to be a part of todays new gaming culture to claim games dead because their favorite influencer has not posted about the game for a a week or two. Maybe it didn’t show up in the TikTok feed today. It’s not on page one when you browse Twitch either, so you better uninstall. Have to play what everyone else play, follow the flock of sheep. Maybe he comes from Diablo 3/4 where every drop is a legendary. Instant gratification for everyone!


No, its because its a live service game.

Grimdawn can shutter support for the game, and the game will continue to be playable for years to come.

You can go play torchlight 1 right now!

if PoE or LE shutdown, they are gone forever. Because they are live service. While LE has an offline client, im not sure that you will be allowed to access it forever as their main focus is in live service.

live service lives and breathes by its ebb and flow of players.

Is it overly dramatic to say its dead? yes. is the game suffering right now? for sure. They have messed up their live service pipeline. that is a fact.

We need to be more objective then “game is dead” and “game is fine and has 0 problems the devs are pog”


Once April hits posts like these will be forgotten. Long live LE


Not true
Thats why we have pure Offline mode


Game not dead, sleeping rn. It has problems and the devs are pog


While we are hard at work on creating content and addressing player feedback we of course do see our concurrent player numbers down, but you will find in the near future that the game is absolutely far from dead. There is a very bright future for Last Epoch and LE players.

We’re working diligently and faster than ever. If you look at our patch notes for major patch releases you’ll see that they’re very extensive. 1.2, or Season 2, will be no different, and very significant.

We look forward to seeing you in game!


I agree completely, but IMO there are two main reasons why that’s not going to happen:

  • The internet is becoming more and more polarized. The middle ground (IMO, more rational) points of views are being drowned by loud extremists who push those who don’t agree with them away and thus create echo chambers

  • Who’s on this forum right now? It’s basically the most ardent fans, who are still playing the game despite the content drought, and the occasional hater who appears to stir trouble. Both those groups only do exactly the kind of post you described.

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Hi, nice to hear that work is going on, but please :pray:
Post patch notes, community are starving for news, buzzing in threads like this, lurking in steamDB to find something about etc
Instead of reading official info about progress on unity and json dev tools and good things like switched on altars (portal, spinning beam, …) and visuals

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They prefer to throw informations in the noisy void of Discord, where you can’t search, effectively categorize or archive anything.

Because of reasons.

I think it’s a communication strategy called “Get fudged, you dumb forumers.”