This game does one thing best, and one thing worst

The one thing best it do : the item chase; the item chase is in my humble opinion better than poe’s item chase , better than any diablo game, better than any torchlight or grimdawn, there is currently no better arpg on the marked that managed to do the item chase better than last epoch!
The one thing worst it do : game feeling of combat; can we just talk that the game just has stiff animations , bad physics, low framerate gore , no dismemberment, and in general the combat is really bad.

Monoliths are fine cus youre always trying to target farm trough CoF so i dont mind them, i done hundreds/thousands and never felt tedious.

The combat needs serrious work, i would say animations are the most important , because the more animated the monsters are, the more they come alive and you feel like you are fighting real monsters and not some cheap plastic monsters. Also please work more on the gore aspect, it seems that when you kill a monster and blood splatters , that blood splatter is a verry short animation running at low fps for some reason and you get a pretty yuky feeling, like its pretty bad,

So far i have enjoyed this league, played everyday for 9-12h and i just got the the harbinger boss, the item chase kept me playing, the combat not so much.