Thetima black screen

Changing the anti aliasing fixed it for me as well, tnx.

Did the trick indeed, after switching to TAA all is working as intended. Thx!

Jesus guys thanks a lot for that! I thought I cannot play the new chapter! Its works with TAA!

Your right, SMAA seems to be broken. Changing to any other AA option solves the issue. Thank you. I guess most people go with TAA default option, thats why there are not even more people reporting this issue.

Same issue here. I can confirm that the issue is only with SMAA. Setting AA to Off, FXAA, or TAA fix it.

Thanks for the reports and followup. We’ll look into the cause of this, though it might not be fixed in 0.8.3c.

Using a different Anti-Aliasing mode for now is recommended, of course.

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