There is practically no reason why Empowered TImelines should be locked for your alts once you unlock them once

Ok, so first of all I know that this topic has been discussed a lot, but the reason I didn’t just respond to another thread and started a new one is that I want to make a proposal.

Empowered Timelines being unlocked for all your characters once you unlock them once is on large demand and I absolutely agree with that. But I want to point out a few things that other players might miss and also make another suggestion.

So, once you reach the empowered timelines, you can now play at areas of lvl 100 and push corruption, etc, etc. But to get there, you fight bosses, some of which are difficult, you acquire blessings, and you have a linear progression. Now, if you had lvl 100 timelines available for your character after you finished the campaign, you would very likely choose to not do them because your character wouldn’t be able to handle the difficulty. But instead, you would probably choose to do some of the weaker Timelines just to get that progression so that your character reaches lvl 80 or so, so that you can start doing Empowered Timelines. That’s how I see it at least and that’s what I’d do. But I’m not quite sure that everyone would do that and this is probably one of the things that EHG wants to avoid by keeping Empowered TImelines individually locked for each character.

But I have a simple solution for this matter, which will probably serve this purpose in a good way and solve this issue once and for all:

To begin with, the stracture of Timelines is actually already good enough for Empowered Timelines to be unlocked with your alts once you unlock them with your first char. You have normal Timelines, you have Empowered Timelines and you can choose in between them, so that’s all good. My solution to the progressing issue comes in this form: Each Timeline that is not Empowered should have a recommendation for the level you should be in order to successfully complete it. Meaning the first should be like 45-50, the second 50-55 etc. And Empowered TImelines should have a lvl recommendation of like 85-100. That would be a lot more accurate than the indication we currently have for the difficulty of the timeline, which comes in the form of the area level indicator.

So, Empowered TImelines should be unlocked account-wide, as long as they have these level recommedations, imo. Additionally, it’s probably needless to say that blessings should not be shared among your characters. Each character should start with zero blessings and acquire them from the timelines as they progress through them.

And the other recommendation I want to make is that once you unlock Empowered Timelines, the Timelines you skipped should be unlocked along with them. I find it very silly that you have to repeat older Timelines just to unlock the ones you skipped so that you have access to them. In that way, after Empowered Timelines are unlocked, your current character and all subsequent characters would be free to roam among all existing timelines and choose the timeline they want to play.

These are my suggestions. I really hope EHG decides to allow us to have Empowered Timelines unlocked for all our chars one way or the other.


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