The shields of the bosses

That would be for medium DPS builds, but for those you just have to adjust the decay rate so they don’t have to deal with the whole ward.

What do you mean with ‘classic invul phases’?
I’m not fully catching on there.

And on the side… why does the ‘no’ symbol change? :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s… basically DR+ which was what I mentioned above with ‘improve DR rather then having Boss Ward’.

Which is exactly a solution-direction which is viable finally!

Instead of triggering DR by checking the damage it triggers ward automatically if damage exceeds a countdown in the background. Which is a good solution.

I’m 100% on that system.
Obviously more in favor of ‘balance the damn game’ but in the meanwhile this one is a functional and well thought out stop-gap.

Second viable solution.

It always comes down to ‘just let leech be triggered as if the damage wasn’t avoided’ as a end result.

Also a very nice option.
Actually even better since it adjust dynamically to the fight rather then in a static manner.

And also agreed to that.

Classic invulnerable is when the boss goes into an animation and combat stops. Like Sirus when changing phases.

Because I probably hit another one by mistake and then it kept suggesting it. I didn’t really notice. Point is still made.

With the main difference that it’s much more visual and players are aware of what’s going on.

I don’t think that will happen anytime soon. I expect them to get the hang of general balance in the 2-3 cycles so we’ll be left with how PoE was in the first few years. And then another 2-3 years until balance is tighter like PoE was a couple years ago (no idea if that changed in the last 2 years).

Although, to be fair, it seems like most builds now fall into under-1k balance goal. We still have a bunch that go over that, but it seems there are way less than in 1.0. Mostly because most of those builds abused ward and without it can’t handle high corruption.

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Yeah… or flying into the air and bombarding you while you run around screaming :stuck_out_tongue:
As said, they’re used so you can’t kill a boss while it showcases a transition (as you’re not supposed to hit him and he can’t defend himself) as well as when specific attacks are coming which are to be avoided rather then keeping the focus on the boss himself.

It’s causing dynamically resistance towards damage (either by giving ward, reducing damage or outright stopping it)… visualizing it is a improvement, the (Edit:)concept (not method) itself doesn’t change.

Yep, sadly so.
Which is why I said ‘a good stop-gap until then’.

Yes, but the big complaint about DDR was that it wasn’t transparent. Players weren’t aware and didn’t realize what was going on or why they suddenly dealt much less damage. So a new system needs to adress that as well. Otherwise we would have stayed with the previous one.

Yes :slight_smile:

Hence you’ve made a suggestion to improve it accordingly to take care of the downsides.

And @HorusKBZ even made it a outright functionally better system which takes care of even more downsides.


That’s called improvement rather then exchanging it with something that does the job worse :stuck_out_tongue:

You’re still on the current implementation of Boss Ward! I thought we agreed it’s not working as intended.

The fix that DJ and I are talking about has minimal effect on low dps and large effect on high dps (remember my 300% slower for high dps and 20% slower for low dps example?)

Edit: I caught up to the conversation now lol. I’m good with a dynamic boss ward. As long as it’s a system that prevents me from melting bosses just because I’m a little strong.

The main point of it wasn’t that though. It was too show that your usual rhetoric of “this isn’t working as intended so we need to flush it down the toilet and make a completely different thing” many times isn’t true, because many times you can make it work properly with minor changes and tweaks.

Most of the time you don’t need to use a bulldozer to fix things. You just need to know how to properly use a screwdriver. So maybe next time instead of “this sucks, let’s get rid of it” maybe go “maybe if we make this small change instead then it will be good”.

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Excellent. Just posting so this suggestion gets more visibility.

So long elaborations. Why not just nerf all overperforming builds to <1000c level? You even have list of them tested by users on this forum. Just take the list and nerf accordingly. Is it so complicated from the dev point of view? :tipping_hand_woman:
That type of class balancing was used in GD and it is one of the best balanced arpgs. Of course it takes time and there is public test server avaliable to get feedback for the devs… but well, the effort is worth it IMHO.

Just my 2 cents :smirk:

You’re talking out of my soul there!

Thanks for finally agreeing that flushing DR down the toilet and using a bulldozer method to instead implement Boss Ward was a really awful idea from EHG! :stuck_out_tongue:

Seemingly, it’s a ongoing issue from before 1.0 and was failed to be done in a big manner for 1.0 despite being a mandatory aspect of a proper release.

It was. They could have just made it more visual, though that’s not as easy to do.
But you also had the exact same reaction to ward as they did to DDR, so can you blame them?

Honestly, I like the adaptation we made to ward a lot more than adding visual cues to DDR. Especially because high DPS builds always deal full DPS, rather than dealing full DPS and suddenly having a nerf on their damage.

DDR had enough shortcomings to justify making a new system. To fix it you would need to add visual cues and you’d need to somehow explain why you stopped doing so much damage. And you’d have to change leech so it wouldn’t be affected by it.

But taking ward and fixing it is, as we can see, actually pretty easy and requires minimal changes.


Yes, I had the same exact reaction, and I’ll still have it.

The core concept of DR is to dynamically adjust how much damage a boss gets depending on damage received.

The core concept of Boss Ward is to provide a fixed hurdle to overcome which reduces simply the longer the fight takes.

Those concepts are entirely and utterly different and our solution has come out to throwing one out of the window (Boss Ward) and instead using the concept of DR.
We didn’t make a ‘adaptation’ to Boss Ward, we integrated Boss Ward with the solution into the old DR system. We also added parts to the DR system like visual indication. Which were all the major issues (besides leech which can be solved anyway).

We literally… solved it by making it DR again…
What are you talking about? :stuck_out_tongue:

Except there is no DR at all? What are you talking about? XD

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‘Check how much damage the boss gets in timeframe x’ is literally the concept of DR :stuck_out_tongue:
And both solutions are based on that concept. DJ’s solution combines both, DR as the basis which then triggers Boss Ward (where the position of it makes more sense) and Horus’ solution even entirely removes Boss Ward and uses a invul mechanic instead.

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Still, no damage able to hit the boss being reduced in either solution, which is the core concept and functionality of the old DDR system.
A boss being invulnerable does not mean the damage dealt to it is being reduced. It means it’s impossible to damage the boss at that stage.

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Oh, quite the contrary even!

It’s in the word even ‘Dynamic reduction’.

So to dismantle that, we have the ‘dynamic’ part.
Dynamic means something is not static in a way, it happens depending on another circumstance.

This is true for checking if Boss Ward even should be triggered (it’s triggered ‘dynamically’) since it won’t happen if you do too little damage in a specific timeframe.
It’s also true for the invul since that won’t happen unless too much damage is done.

And the ‘reduction’ part is also relatively open, it’s solely based on ‘reducing incoming damage’, in what way is not declared.
Once again, with the Boss Ward after the trigger it reduces damage by enforcing to go through a specific amount of Ward before Health is once again affected.
In terms of invul it’s entirely removed, though since you can only damage a boss to the amount of Health expected at any time of a fight it hence reduces your damage to the agreeable level.

Obviously invul reduces damage, that’s the design. The reduction is ‘100%’ though. With a ‘moving’ invulnerability level (in second 3 we can bring it down to 97% life, in second 4 to 96% life as an example) it means our damage is ‘limited’ to this specific amount. Hence you can exchange the term freely with ‘dynamically reduced’ since varying incoming damage is reduced to create a static outcome in the end in that case.

Which is why DJ’s method is also not as good as Horus’ since while it’s dynamically triggered the results are then static while they also should be dynamic.

Ward/Health Shield are mitigation, the same way damage reduction, armor, dodge, block, glancing blow and elemental resistances are mitigation.

Ward mitigates incoming damage but does not reduce incoming damage.

If you have 500 HP and 500 Ward, then you have 1000 effective HP. And a burst of 1000 damage will one shot you. No damage was reduced.

If you have 500 HP and 50% damage reduction. Then 1000 damage will be reduced to 500 damage and one shot you. It’s still a one shot, but the incoming damage was reduced.

It’s also not a fixed hurdle. Idk why you keep thinking that it is. The amount of ward the player faces is dependent on how much damage they can deal. The more damage you do, the more ward you have to eat through. The less damage you do, the more (and faster) the Ward decays. i.e. The less ward you have to deal with.

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Just going to put this here…